Extending Face Identification to Open-Set Face Recognition CE dos Santos Jr, WR Schwartz Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2014 27th SIBGRAPI Conference on …, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |
Dyfusion: dynamic IR/RGB fusion for maritime vessel recognition CE Santos, B Bhanu 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1328-1332, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Smart surveillance framework: A versatile tool for video analysis AC Nazare, CE dos Santos, R Ferreira, WR Schwartz Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2014 IEEE Winter Conference on, 753-760, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Partial least squares for face hashing CE dos Santos Jr, E Kijak, G Gravier, WR Schwartz Neurocomputing 213, 34-47, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Learning to hash faces using large feature vectors CE dos Santos Jr, E Kijak, G Gravier, WR Schwartz Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 2015 13th International Workshop …, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Ssig and irisa at multimodal person discovery CE dos Santos Jr, G Gravier, WR Schwartz Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval Workshop, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Subspace clustering for information retrieval in urban scene databases M Coelho, E Valle, A Araujo 2011 24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 173-180, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |
Partial least squares for face hashing CE dos Santos Junior Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Self-Organizing Traffic Lights: A Pedestrian Oriented Approach JS Souza, CAM Ferreira, CE dos Santos Jr, VHC Melo, WR Schwartz | 1 | 2014 |
PanView: An Extensible Panoramic Video Viewer for the Web CE dos Santos Jr, JIC Souza, VF Mota, GS Nascimento, GS Gorgulho, ... | | 2014 |
Detecting Unenrolled Subjects in Face Galleries CES Junior, WR Schwartz | | 2013 |
Detecção de Indivíduos não Registrados em Galerias de Faces C dos Santos Jr, WR Schwartz Revista de Iniciação Científica 13 (4), 1-15, 2013 | | 2013 |