Joris IJsselmuiden
Joris IJsselmuiden
Farm Technology Group, Wageningen University
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Data synthesis methods for semantic segmentation in agriculture: A Capsicum annuum dataset
R Barth, J IJsselmuiden, J Hemming, EJ Van Henten
Computers and electronics in agriculture 144, 284-296, 2018
Transfer learning for the classification of sugar beet and volunteer potato under field conditions
HK Suh, J Ijsselmuiden, JW Hofstee, EJ van Henten
Biosystems engineering 174, 50-65, 2018
Robot navigation in orchards with localization based on Particle filter and Kalman filter
PM Blok, K van Boheemen, FK van Evert, J IJsselmuiden, GH Kim
Computers and electronics in agriculture 157, 261-269, 2019
Monitoring and mapping with robot swarms for agricultural applications
D Albani, J IJsselmuiden, R Haken, V Trianni
2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2017
Synthetic bootstrapping of convolutional neural networks for semantic plant part segmentation
R Barth, J IJsselmuiden, J Hemming, EJ Van Henten
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 161, 291-304, 2019
Extending touch: towards interaction with large-scale surfaces
A Schick, F van de Camp, J Ijsselmuiden, R Stiefelhagen
Proceedings of the ACM international conference on interactive tabletops and …, 2009
Evaluation of the performance of PoultryBot, an autonomous mobile robotic platform for poultry houses
BA Vroegindeweij, SK Blaauw, JMM IJsselmuiden, EJ van Henten
Biosystems engineering 174, 295-315, 2018
Sugar beet and volunteer potato classification using Bag-of-Visual-Words model, Scale-Invariant Feature Transform, or Speeded Up Robust Feature descriptors and crop row information
HK Suh, JW Hofstee, J IJsselmuiden, EJ van Henten
Biosystems Engineering 166, 210-226, 2018
Towards high-level human activity recognition through computer vision and temporal logic
J Ijsselmuiden, R Stiefelhagen
KI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 33rd Annual German Conference …, 2010
The saga concept: swarm robotics for agricultural applications
V Trianni, J IJsselmuiden, R Haken
Technical Report. 2016. Available online: http://laral. istc. cnr. it/saga …, 2016
A real-time speech command detector for a smart control room
D Reich, F Putze, D Heger, J Ijsselmuiden, R Stiefelhagen, T Schultz
Twelfth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2011
Optimising realism of synthetic agricultural images using cycle generative adversarial networks
R Barth, JMM IJsselmuiden, J Hemming, EJ van Henten
Proceedings of the IEEE IROS workshop on Agricultural Robotics, 18-22, 2017
DiSCount: computer vision for automated quantification of Striga seed germination
R Masteling, L Voorhoeve, J IJsselmuiden, F Dini-Andreote, W De Boer, ...
Plant Methods 16, 1-8, 2020
High-level situation recognition using fuzzy metric temporal logic, case studies in surveillance and smart environments
D Münch, J IJsselmuiden, M Arens, R Stiefelhagen
2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV …, 2011
Probabilistic localisation in repetitive environments: Estimating a robot’s position in an aviary poultry house
BA Vroegindeweij, J IJsselmuiden, EJ van Henten
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 124, 303-317, 2016
Automatic understanding of group behavior using fuzzy temporal logic
J IJsselmuiden, D Münch, AK Grosselfinger, M Arens, R Stiefelhagen
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 6 (6), 623-649, 2014
Automatic behavior understanding in crisis response control rooms
J Ijsselmuiden, AK Grosselfinger, D Münch, M Arens, R Stiefelhagen
Ambient Intelligence: Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, Pisa …, 2012
Object discrimination in poultry housing using spectral reflectivity
BA Vroegindeweij, S van Hell, JMM IJsselmuiden, EJ van Henten
Biosystems Engineering 167, 99-113, 2018
Pose-graph based crowdsourced mapping framework
A Das, J IJsselmuiden, G Dubbelman
2020 IEEE 3rd Connected and Automated Vehicles Symposium (CAVS), 1-7, 2020
Discrimination between volunteer potato and sugar beet with a Bag-of-Visual-Words model.
HK Suh, JW Hofstee, J IJsselmuiden, EJ Henten
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Articles 1–20