Stefan Vogt
Stefan Vogt
Senior Lecturer of Psychology, Lancaster University
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Neural circuits underlying imitation learning of hand actions: an event-related fMRI study
G Buccino, S Vogt, A Ritzl, GR Fink, K Zilles, HJ Freund, G Rizzolatti
Neuron 42 (2), 323-334, 2004
Prefrontal involvement in imitation learning of hand actions: effects of practice and expertise
S Vogt, G Buccino, AM Wohlschläger, N Canessa, NJ Shah, K Zilles, ...
Neuroimage 37 (4), 1371-1383, 2007
Multiple roles of motor imagery during action observation
S Vogt, F Di Rienzo, C Collet, A Collins, A Guillot
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 807, 2013
Motor learning enhances perceptual judgment: A case for action-perception transfer
H Hecht, S Vogt, W Prinz
Psychological research 65, 3-14, 2001
From visuo-motor interactions to imitation learning: behavioural and brain imaging studies
S Vogt, R Thomaschke
Journal of sports sciences 25 (5), 497-517, 2007
Visuomotor priming by pictures of hand postures: Perspective matters
S Vogt, P Taylor, B Hopkins
Neuropsychologia 41 (8), 941-951, 2003
On relations between perceiving, imagining and performing in the learning of cyclical movement sequences
S Vogt
British journal of Psychology 86 (2), 191-216, 1995
Vision of the hand and environmental context in human prehension
A Churchill, B Hopkins, L Rönnqvist, S Vogt
Experimental Brain Research 134 (1), 81-89, 2000
Task-specific EMG-characteristics during mental training
T Wehner, S Vogt, M Stadler
Psychological research 46, 389-401, 1984
Imitation and observational learning of hand actions: prefrontal involvement and connectivity
S Higuchi, H Holle, N Roberts, SB Eickhoff, S Vogt
Neuroimage 59 (2), 1668-1683, 2012
Motor imagery during action observation increases eccentric hamstring force: an acute non-physical intervention
M Scott, S Taylor, P Chesterton, S Vogt, DL Eaves
Disability and rehabilitation 40 (12), 1443-1451, 2018
EEG and behavioural correlates of different forms of motor imagery during action observation in rhythmical actions
DL Eaves, LP Behmer Jr, S Vogt
Brain and cognition 106, 90-103, 2016
Motor imagery during action observation modulates automatic imitation effects in rhythmical actions
DL Eaves, L Haythornthwaite, S Vogt
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 28, 2014
Multijoint grasping movements: Simulated and observed effects of object location, object size, and initial aperture
RG Meulenbroek, DA Rosenbaum, C Jansen, J Vaughan, S Vogt
Experimental brain research 138, 219-234, 2001
Handlungen als Ereignisse
W Prinz, G Aschersleben, B Hommel, S Vogt
Das Gedächtnis. Trends, Probleme, Perspektiven, S. 129-168, 1995
Motor imagery alone drives corticospinal excitability during concurrent action observation and motor imagery
R Meers, HE Nuttall, S Vogt
Cortex 126, 322-333, 2020
The neural correlates of velocity processing during the observation of a biological effector in the parietal and premotor cortex
C Di Dio, G Di Cesare, S Higuchi, N Roberts, S Vogt, G Rizzolatti
Neuroimage 64, 425-436, 2013
Imagery and perception-action mediation in imitative actions
S Vogt
Cognitive Brain Research 3 (2), 79-86, 1996
Combined action observation and motor imagery influences hand movement amplitude in Parkinson's disease
J Bek, E Gowen, S Vogt, TJ Crawford, E Poliakoff
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 61, 126-131, 2019
Human skill and motor control: some aspects of the motor control-motor learning relation
HTAJ Whiting, S Vogt, B Vereyken
Advances in psychology 84, 81-111, 1992
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Articles 1–20