Kelly Smith
Cited by
Cited by
Pregnancy in women with Type 2 diabetes: 12 years outcome data 1990-2002
F Dunne, P Brydon, K Smith, H Gee
Diabetic Medicine 20, 734-738, 2003
Enterprise and entrepreneurship education: Guidance for UK higher education providers
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, 2018
Enterprise and entrepreneurship education: Guidance for UK higher education providers
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, 2012
Graduate Entrepreneurs: Intentions, Barriers & Solutions
K Smith, M Beasley
Education + Training 53 (8/9), 722-740, 2011
Entrepreneurial education: reflexive approaches to entrepreneurial learning in practice
D Higgins, K Smith, M Mirza
Journal of Entrepreneurship 22 (2), 135-160, 2013
Graduate entrepreneurship education in the United Kingdom
J McKeown, C Millman, S Reddy Sursani, K Smith, LM Martin
Education + Training 48 (8/9), 597-613, 2006
What is "marked" in visual marking? Evidence for effects of configuration in preview search
M Kunar, G Humphreys, K Smith, J Hulleman
Perception and Psychophysics 65, 982-996, 2003
History matters: The preview benefit in search is not onset capture
M Kunar, G Humphreys, K Smith
Psychological Science 14, 181-185, 2003
When a reappearance is old news: Visual marking survives occlusion.
M Kunar, G Humphreys, K Smith, D Watson
Journal of Experimental Psychology – Human Perception and Performance 29 …, 2003
Visual change with moving displays: More evidence for color feature map inhibition during preview search
M Kunar, G Humphreys, K Smith
Journal of Experimental Psychology – Human Perception and Performance 29 …, 2003
Embedding enterprise education into the curriculum at a research-led university
K Smith
Education + Training 50 (8/9), 713-724, 2008
Full Curriculum-Based Venture Creation Programmes: Current Knowledge and Research Challenges
K Smith, M Rogers-Draycott, D Bozward
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2022
An Education System fit for an Entrepreneur: Fifth Report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Micro Business
S Anderson, N Culkin, A Penaluna, K Smith
All‐Party Parliamentary Group for Micro Businesses, 2014
Enterprise skills and training needs of postgraduate research students
K Smith, D Williams, N Yasin, I Pitchford
Education + Training 56 (8/9), 745-763, 2014
Cross-university enterprise education collaboration as a community of practice
C Carey, K Smith, LM Martin
Education + Training 51 (8/9), 696-706, 2009
Evaluating the state of enterprise training for post-graduate researchers in the UK
D Williams, K Smith, N Yasin, I Pitchford
Education + Training 55 (8/9), 849 - 867, 2013
Drivers and barriers to the uptake of learning technologies : staff experiences in a research led university
A Davies, K Smith
Technology supported learning and teaching, 125-145, 2006
UK graduate entrepreneurship education in England, Wales, and Scotland
J McKeown, C Millman, SR Sursani, K Smith, LM Martin
National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship Working Paper Series, 2006
Measuring the impact of enterprise education and entrepreneurship support in higher education: Can routinely collected data be of use?
K Smith
Industry & Higher Education 29 (6), 2015
Supporting e-learning in enterprise: the TE3 project
K Smith
Education + Training 49 (8/9), 656-671, 2007
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Articles 1–20