Alexander K. Petrenko
Alexander K. Petrenko
Head of Software Engineering Department ISPRAS, professor of MSU and NRU HSE
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The UniTesK approach to designing test suites
VV Kuliamin, AK Petrenko, AS Kossatchev, IB Burdonov
Programming and Computer Software 29 (6), 310-322, 2003
UniTesK test suite architecture
IB Bourdonov, AS Kossatchev, VV Kuliamin, AK Petrenko
FME 2002: Formal Methods—Getting IT Right: International Symposium of …, 2002
Method and system for testing behavior of procedures
AS Kossatchev, AV Barancev, IB Burdonov, AK Petrenko, D Galter
US Patent 6,698,012, 2004
Kvest: Automated generation of test suites from formal specifications
I Burdonov, A Kossatchev, A Petrenko, D Galter
FM’99—Formal Methods: World Congress on Formal Methods in the Development …, 1999
Establishing Linux Driver Verification Process
A Khoroshilov, V Mutilin, A Petrenko, V Zakharov
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 165-176, 2010
Configurable toolset for static verification of operating systems kernel modules
IS Zakharov, MU Mandrykin, VS Mutilin, EM Novikov, AK Petrenko, ...
Programming and Computer Software 41, 49-64, 2015
Method and system for forming skeletons for generating verification systems
AS Kossatchev, AV Barancev, IB Burdonov, AV Demakov, AK Petrenko, ...
US Patent 6,898,784, 2005
Инструментальные средства проектирования систем интегрированной модульной авионики
ДВ Буздалов, СВ Зеленов, ЕВ Корныхин, АК Петренко, АВ Страх, ...
Труды Института системного программирования РАН 26 (1), 201-230, 2014
Моделирование и верификация политик безопасности управления доступом в операционных системах
ПН Девянин, ДВ Ефремов, ВВ Кулямин, АК Петренко, АВ Хорошилов, ...
М., Горячая линия–Телеком, 2019
Linux Driver Verification: (Position Paper)
D Beyer, AK Petrenko
International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods …, 2012
Test generation for compilers and other formal text processors
SV Zelenov, SA Zelenova, AS Kossatchev, AK Petrenko
Programming and Computer Software 29 (2), 104-111, 2003
Integration of functional and timed testing of real-time and concurrent systems
VV Kuliamin, AK Petrenko, NV Pakoulin, AS Kossatchev, IB Bourdonov
Perspectives of System Informatics: 5th International Andrei Ershov Memorial …, 2003
Подход UniTesK к разработке тестов: достижения и перспективы
ИБ Бурдонов, АВ Демаков, СВ Зеленов, АС Косачев, ВВ Кулямин, ...
Труды Института системного программирования РАН 5, 121-156, 2004
Java specification extension for automated test development
IB Bourdonov, AV Demakov, AA Jarov, AS Kossatchev, VV Kuliamin, ...
Perspectives of System Informatics: 4th International Andrei Ershov Memorial …, 2001
Specification based testing: Towards practice
AK Petrenko
International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference on Perspectives of System …, 2001
Введение в программирование на языке лисп: Пер. с англ
У Маурер
Мир, 1976
The use of contract specifications for representing requirements and for functional testing of hardware models
VP Ivannikov, AS Kamkin, AS Kossatchev, VV Kuliamin, AK Petrenko
Programming and Computer Software 33 (5), 272-282, 2007
Using ASM specifications for compiler testing
A Kalinov, A Kossatchev, A Petrenko, M Posypkin, V Shishko
Abstract State Machines 2003: Advances in Theory and Practice 10th …, 2003
Formal verification of OS security model with Alloy and Event-B
PN Devyanin, AV Khoroshilov, VV Kuliamin, AK Petrenko, IV Shchepetkov
Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z: 4th International …, 2014
Formal methods in industrial software standards enforcement
A Grinevich, A Khoroshilov, V Kuliamin, D Markovtsev, A Petrenko, ...
Perspectives of Systems Informatics: 6th International Andrei Ershov …, 2007
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Articles 1–20