Katherine M. Engelke
Katherine M. Engelke
Department of Communication, University of Münster
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Cited by
Concepts, causes and consequences of trust in news media–a literature review and framework
N Fawzi, N Steindl, M Obermaier, F Prochazka, D Arlt, B Blöbaum, ...
Annals of the International Communication Association 45 (2), 154-174, 2021
On measuring trust and distrust in journalism: Reflection of the status quo and suggestions for the road ahead
KM Engelke, V Hase, F Wintterlin
Journal of trust research 9 (1), 66-86, 2019
Online participatory journalism: A systematic literature review
KM Engelke
Media and Communication 7 (4), 31-44, 2019
Trust in online journalism
KM Grosser, V Hase, B Blöbaum
Trust and Communication in a Digitized World: Models and Concepts of Trust …, 2016
Trustworthy or shady? Exploring the influence of verifying and visualizing user-generated content (UGC) on online journalism’s trustworthiness
KM Grosser, V Hase, F Wintterlin
Journalism Studies 20 (4), 500-522, 2019
Enriching the conversation: Audience perspectives on the deliberative nature and potential of user comments for news media
KM Engelke
Digital journalism 8 (4), 447-466, 2020
The things we fear. Combining automated and manual content analysis to uncover themes, topics and threats in fear-related news
V Hase, KM Engelke, K Kieslich
Journalism Studies 21 (10), 1384-1402, 2020
Die journalistische Darstellung von Vertrauen, Misstrauen und Vertrauensproblemen im Kontext der Digitalisierung
KM Engelke
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2018
Emotions in crisis coverage: How UK news media used fear appeals to report on the coronavirus crisis
V Hase, KM Engelke
Journalism and Media 3 (4), 633-649, 2022
Methodological and practical challenges of interdisciplinary trust research
F Hendriks, B Distel, KM Engelke, D Westmattelmann, F Wintterlin
Trust and Communication: Findings and Implications of Trust Research, 29-57, 2021
Transferprozesse in der Journalismusforschung: Chancen und Herausforderungen im inter-und transdisziplinären Kontext der Journalismusforschung
J Schützeneder, KM Engelke, B Uth, M Graßl, L Badura, B Blöbaum, ...
M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 70 (1-2), 118-139, 2022
Can transparency preserve journalism’s trustworthiness? Recipients’ views on transparency about source origin and verification regarding user-generated content in the news
F Wintterlin, KM Engelke, V Hase
SCM Studies in Communication and Media 9 (2), 218-240, 2020
Institutionalisierte Interdisziplinarität: Chancen für die Neujustierung der Journalismusforschung in einer digitalisierten Welt
B Uth, B Blöbaum, L Badura, KM Engelke
Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Journalistik/Journalismusforschung der Deutschen …, 2020
Individual-statt Pauschallösungen: Transparenzstrategien im Nachrichtenjournalismus und ihr Zusammenhang mit Rezipierendenvertrauen
L Badura, B Uth, KM Engelke
Fake-News, Framing, Fact-Checking: Nachrichten im digitalen Zeitalter, 425-446, 2020
Online participatory journalism: A systematic literature review. Media and Communication, 7 (4), 31-44
KM Engelke
Metajournalistic discourse on participatory journalism: examining a decade of coverage in trade magazines
KM Engelke
Journalism and Media 4 (2), 612-630, 2023
Enriching the Conversation: Audience Perspectives on the Deliberative Nature and Potential of User Comments for News Media. Digital Journalism, 8 (4), 447-466
K Engelke
Trusting me, trusting you-trusting technology? A multidisciplinary analysis to uncover the status quo of research on trust in technology
B Distel, KM Engelke, S Querfurth
ERCIS Working Paper, 2021
Mapping Citizen and Participatory Journalism in Newsrooms, Classrooms and Beyond, edited by Melissa Wall, London and New York, Routledge, 2020, 248 pp.,£ 120.00 (hbk), ISBN …
KM Engelke
Digital Journalism 9 (1), 127-129, 2021
Transferprozesse in der Journalismusforschung
J Schützeneder, KM Engelke, B Uth, M Graßl, K Klinghardt, L Badura, ...
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Articles 1–20