Christoph Meier
Christoph Meier
Lecturer and Senior Researcher, Technical University of Munich (TUM)
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Cited by
Critical influences of particle size and adhesion on the powder layer uniformity in metal additive manufacturing
C Meier, R Weissbach, J Weinberg, WA Wall, AJ Hart
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 266, 484-501, 2019
Geometrically exact finite element formulations for slender beams: Kirchhoff–Love theory versus Simo–Reissner theory
C Meier, A Popp, WA Wall
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 26 (1), 163-243, 2019
Thermophysical phenomena in metal additive manufacturing by selective laser melting: fundamentals, modeling, simulation, and experimentation
C Meier, RW Penny, Y Zou, JS Gibbs, AJ Hart
Annual Review of Heat Transfer 20, 2017
Modeling and characterization of cohesion in fine metal powders with a focus on additive manufacturing process simulations
C Meier, R Weissbach, J Weinberg, WA Wall, AJ Hart
Powder technology 343, 855-866, 2019
An objective 3D large deformation finite element formulation for geometrically exact curved Kirchhoff rods
C Meier, A Popp, WA Wall
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 278, 445-478, 2014
A unified approach for beam-to-beam contact
C Meier, WA Wall, A Popp
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 315, 972-1010, 2017
A finite element approach for the line-to-line contact interaction of thin beams with arbitrary orientation
C Meier, A Popp, WA Wall
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 308, 377-413, 2016
A locking-free finite element formulation and reduced models for geometrically exact Kirchhoff rods
C Meier, A Popp, WA Wall
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 290, 314-341, 2015
Additive manufacturing of biomechanically tailored meshes for compliant wearable and implantable devices
SW Pattinson, ME Huber, S Kim, J Lee, S Grunsfeld, R Roberts, G Dreifus, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (32), 1901815, 2019
A novel smoothed particle hydrodynamics formulation for thermo-capillary phase change problems with focus on metal additive manufacturing melt pool modeling
C Meier, SL Fuchs, AJ Hart, WA Wall
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 381, 113812, 2021
Geometrically exact beam elements and smooth contact schemes for the modeling of fiber-based materials and structures
C Meier, MJ Grill, WA Wall, A Popp
International Journal of Solids and Structures 154, 124-146, 2018
A mortar-type finite element approach for embedding 1D beams into 3D solid volumes
I Steinbrecher, M Mayr, MJ Grill, J Kremheller, C Meier, A Popp
Computational Mechanics 66, 1377-1398, 2020
Physics‐based modeling and predictive simulation of powder bed fusion additive manufacturing across length scales
C Meier, SL Fuchs, N Much, J Nitzler, RW Penny, PM Praegla, SD Proell, ...
GAMM‐Mitteilungen 44 (3), e202100014, 2021
A versatile SPH modeling framework for coupled microfluid-powder dynamics in additive manufacturing: binder jetting, material jetting, directed energy deposition and powder bed …
SL Fuchs, PM Praegla, CJ Cyron, WA Wall, C Meier
Engineering with computers 38 (6), 4853-4877, 2022
On phase change and latent heat models in metal additive manufacturing process simulation
SD Proell, WA Wall, C Meier
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 7, 1-32, 2020
A novel smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite element coupling scheme for fluid–structure interaction: The sliding boundary particle approach
SL Fuchs, C Meier, WA Wall, CJ Cyron
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 383, 113922, 2021
Spatial mapping of powder layer density for metal additive manufacturing via transmission X-ray imaging
RW Penny, PM Praegla, M Ochsenius, D Oropeza, R Weissbach, C Meier, ...
Additive manufacturing 46, 102197, 2021
Resolution of sub-element length scales in Brownian dynamics simulations of biopolymer networks with geometrically exact beam finite elements
KW Müller, C Meier, WA Wall
Journal of Computational Physics 303, 185-202, 2015
Consistent coupling of positions and rotations for embedding 1D Cosserat beams into 3D solid volumes
I Steinbrecher, A Popp, C Meier
Computational Mechanics 69 (3), 701-732, 2022
A novel physics-based and data-supported microstructure model for part-scale simulation of laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V
J Nitzler, C Meier, KW Müller, WA Wall, NE Hodge
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 8 (1), 16, 2021
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Articles 1–20