Valentin Borshchevskiy
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Cited by
Structural insights into ion conduction by channelrhodopsin 2
O Volkov, K Kovalev, V Polovinkin, V Borshchevskiy, C Bamann, ...
Science 358 (6366), eaan8862, 2017
Crystal structure of a light-driven sodium pump
I Gushchin, V Shevchenko, V Polovinkin, K Kovalev, A Alekseev, E Round, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 22 (5), 390-395, 2015
Mechanism of transmembrane signaling by sensor histidine kinases
I Gushchin, I Melnikov, V Polovinkin, A Ishchenko, A Yuzhakova, ...
Science 356 (6342), eaah6345, 2017
Inward H+ pump xenorhodopsin: Mechanism and alternative optogenetic approach
V Shevchenko, T Mager, K Kovalev, V Polovinkin, A Alekseev, J Juettner, ...
Science advances 3 (9), e1603187, 2017
Structural insights into the proton pumping by unusual proteorhodopsin from nonmarine bacteria
I Gushchin, P Chervakov, P Kuzmichev, AN Popov, E Round, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (31), 12631-12636, 2013
Structure and mechanisms of sodium-pumping KR2 rhodopsin
K Kovalev, V Polovinkin, I Gushchin, A Alekseev, V Shevchenko, ...
Science advances 5 (4), eaav2671, 2019
Molecular mechanism of light-driven sodium pumping
K Kovalev, R Astashkin, I Gushchin, P Orekhov, D Volkov, E Zinovev, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2137, 2020
Structure-based mechanism of cysteinyl leukotriene receptor inhibition by antiasthmatic drugs
A Luginina, A Gusach, E Marin, A Mishin, R Brouillette, P Popov, ...
Science advances 5 (10), eaax2518, 2019
High-resolution structural insights into the heliorhodopsin family
K Kovalev, D Volkov, R Astashkin, A Alekseev, I Gushchin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (8), 4131-4141, 2020
Structural basis of ligand selectivity and disease mutations in cysteinyl leukotriene receptors
A Gusach, A Luginina, E Marin, RL Brouillette, É Besserer-Offroy, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5573, 2019
Unique structure and function of viral rhodopsins
D Bratanov, K Kovalev, JP Machtens, R Astashkin, I Chizhov, D Soloviov, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 4939, 2019
Structure of the light‐driven sodium pump KR 2 and its implications for optogenetics
I Gushchin, V Shevchenko, V Polovinkin, V Borshchevskiy, P Buslaev, ...
The FEBS journal 283 (7), 1232-1238, 2016
Beyond structure: emerging approaches to study GPCR dynamics
A Gusach, I Maslov, A Luginina, V Borshchevskiy, A Mishin, V Cherezov
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 63, 18-25, 2020
X-ray-radiation-induced changes in bacteriorhodopsin structure
VI Borshchevskiy, ES Round, AN Popov, G Büldt, VI Gordeliy
Journal of molecular biology 409 (5), 813-825, 2011
Fast iodide-SAD phasing for high-throughput membrane protein structure determination
I Melnikov, V Polovinkin, K Kovalev, I Gushchin, M Shevtsov, ...
Science advances 3 (5), e1602952, 2017
High-resolution structure of a membrane protein transferred from amphipol to a lipidic mesophase
V Polovinkin, I Gushchin, M Sintsov, E Round, T Balandin, P Chervakov, ...
The Journal of Membrane Biology 247, 997-1004, 2014
Low-dose X-ray radiation induces structural alterations in proteins
V Borshchevskiy, E Round, I Erofeev, M Weik, A Ishchenko, I Gushchin, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 70 (10), 2675-2685, 2014
X-ray structure of a CDP-alcohol phosphatidyltransferase membrane enzyme and insights into its catalytic mechanism
P Nogly, I Gushchin, A Remeeva, AM Esteves, N Borges, P Ma, ...
Nature Communications 5 (1), 4169, 2014
Integral membrane proteins can be crystallized directly from nanodiscs
M Nikolaev, E Round, I Gushchin, V Polovinkin, T Balandin, P Kuzmichev, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 17 (3), 945-948, 2017
Raman scattering: from structural biology to medical applications
AV Vlasov, NL Maliar, SV Bazhenov, EI Nikelshparg, NA Brazhe, ...
Crystals 10 (1), 38, 2020
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Articles 1–20