Jauhar Fajrin, Phd.
Jauhar Fajrin, Phd.
Other namesProfessor of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram
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Aplikasi metode analysis of variance (anova) untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan silica fume terhadap sifat fisik dan mekanik mortar
J Fajrin, P Pathurahman, LG Pratama
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil 12 (1), 11-23, 2016
Characterisation of swellability and compressive and impact strength properties of corn husk fibre composites
NH Sari, J Fajrin, A Fudholi
Composites Communications 18, 49-54, 2020
Aplikasi bambu pilinan sebagai tulangan balok beton
Pathurrahman, J Fajrin, DA Kusuma
Civil Engineering Dimension 5 (1), 39-44, 2003
Utilization of kenaf fiber waste as reinforced polymer composites
J Fajrin, A Akmaluddin, F Gapsari
Results in Engineering 13, 100380, 2022
Mechanical properties of natural fiber composite made of Indonesian grown sisal
J Fajrin
INFO-TEKNIK 17 (1), 69-84, 2016
Flexural behaviour of hybrid sandwich panel with natural fiber composites as the intermediate layer
J Fajrin, Y Zhuge, F Bullen, H Wang
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES) 10 (2), 1968-1983, 2016
Effect of core and skin thicknesses of bamboo sandwich composite on bending strength
JF Hartoni, B Anshari, AD Catur
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8 (12), 2017
Analisis sifat mekanis komposit polyester sisal menggunakan metode anova
A Fitrayudha, J Fajrin, B Anshari
Jurnal Binawakya 14 (7), 2817-2824, 2020
Significance analysis of flexural behaviour of hybrid sandwich panels
J Fajrin, Y Zhuge, F Bullen, H Wang
Open Journal of Civil Engineering 3 (03), 1, 2013
The Structural Behavior of Hybrid Structural Insulated Panels under Pure Bending Load
J Fajrin, Y Zhuge, F Bullen, H Wang
International Journal of Technology (IJTech) 8 (5), 777-788, 2017
Evaluation of high grade recycled coarse aggregate concrete quality using non-destructive testing technique
NN Kencanawati, J Fajrin, B Anshari, A Akmaluddin, M Shigeishi
Applied Mechanics and Materials 776, 53-58, 2015
Flexural Strength of Sandwich Panel with Lignocellulosic Composites Intermediate Layer–A Statistic Approach
J Fajrin, Y Zhuge, F Bullen, H Wang
International Journal of Protective Structures 2 (4), 453-464, 2011
The implementation of statistical inference to study the bending strength of sustainable hybrid sandwich panel composite
J Fajrin, ZG Yan, F Bullen, H Wang
Advanced Materials Research 250, 956-961, 2011
Shear properties evaluation of natural fibre reinforced epoxy composites using V-notch shear test
J Fajrin, NH Sari
MATEC web of conferences 195, 02004, 2018
Experimental and theoretical deflections of hybrid composite sandwich panel under four-point bending load
J Fajrin, Y Zhuge, H Wang, F Bullen
Civil Engineering Dimension 19 (1), 29-35, 2017
Aplikasi Metode Eksperimen Response Surface untuk Mengoptimalkan Kuat Tekan Bata Non Bakar
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil 13 (2), 79-90, 2017
The Application of Statistical Design of Experiments to Study the In-Plane Shear Behaviour of Hybrid Composite Sandwich Panel
J Fajrin
Civil Engineering Dimension 18 (1), 25-30, 2016
Alternative theoretical frameworks for hybrid sandwich panel with intermediate layer
J Fajrin
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil 11 (2), 59-70, 2015
Pathurahman & Pratama LG (2016). Aplikasi Metode Analysis Of Variance (Anova) Untuk Mengkaji Pengaruh Penambahan Silica Fume Terhadap Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Mortar
J Fajrin
Jurnal Rekauasa Sipil 12 (1), 11-23, 0
Pelatihan Desain Bangunan Rumah Dan Sekolah Tahan Gempa Dengan Inovasi Balutan Lapisan Ferosemen Pada Tembok Di Desa Gondang Kecamatan Gangga Kabupaten Lombok Utara
B Anshari, NN Kencanawati, N Ngudiyono, H Hariyadi, J Fajrin
Prosiding Pepadu 3, 304-312, 2021
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