Camilla Barbarossa
Camilla Barbarossa
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Positive and negative antecedents of purchasing eco-friendly products: A comparison between green and non-green consumers
C Barbarossa, P De Pelsmacker
Journal of Business Ethics 134, 229-247, 2016
Antecedents of brand love in online network-based communities. A social identity perspective
M Vernuccio, M Pagani, C Barbarossa, A Pastore
Journal of Product & Brand Management 24 (7), 706-719, 2015
Personal values, green self-identity and electric car adoption
C Barbarossa, P De Pelsmacker, I Moons
Ecological Economics 140, 190-200, 2017
Why environmentally conscious consumers do not purchase green products: A cognitive mapping approach
C Barbarossa, A Pastore
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 18 (2), 188-209, 2015
A self-identity based model of electric car adoption intention: A cross-cultural comparative study
C Barbarossa, SC Beckmann, P De Pelsmacker, I Moons, W Gwozdz
Journal of Environmental Psychology 42, 149-160, 2015
Consumers’ intentions to purchase smart home objects: Do environmental issues matter?
M Schill, D Godefroit-Winkel, MF Diallo, C Barbarossa
Ecological Economics 161, 176-185, 2019
The determinants of the adoption intention of eco-friendly functional food in different market segments
I Moons, C Barbarossa, P De Pelsmacker
Ecological Economics 151, 151-161, 2018
The influence of country-of-origin stereotypes on consumer responses to food safety scandals: The case of the horsemeat adulteration
C Barbarossa, P De Pelsmacker, I Moons, A Marcati
Food quality and preference 53, 71-83, 2016
Fashion without pollution: How consumers evaluate brands after an NGO campaign aimed at reducing toxic chemicals in the fashion industry
S Grappi, S Romani, C Barbarossa
Journal of Cleaner Production 149, 1164-1173, 2017
Effects of country-of-origin stereotypes on consumer responses to product-harm crises
C Barbarossa, P De Pelsmacker, I Moons
International Marketing Review 35 (3), 362-389, 2018
Do personality-and self-congruity matter for the willingness to pay more for ecotourism? An empirical study in Flanders, Belgium
I Moons, P De Pelsmacker, C Barbarossa
Journal of Cleaner Production 272, 122866, 2020
The green mate appeal: Men's pro‐environmental consumption is an honest signal of commitment to their partner
S Borau, L Elgaaied‐Gambier, C Barbarossa
Psychology & Marketing 38 (2), 266-285, 2021
Determinants of e-brand attitude: A structural modeling approach
M Vernuccio, C Barbarossa, A Giraldi, F Ceccotti
Journal of Brand management 19, 500-512, 2012
Evaluating a social marketing campaign on healthy nutrition and lifestyle among primary-school children: A mixed-method research design
C Nosi, A D’Agostino, CA Pratesi, C Barbarossa
Evaluation and program planning 89, 101965, 2021
Explaining how algorithms work reduces consumers' concerns regarding the collection of personal data and promotes AI technology adoption
I Querci, C Barbarossa, S Romani, F Ricotta
Psychology & Marketing 39 (10), 1888-1901, 2022
Not all wrongdoers are equal in the public eye: a moderated mediation model of country stereotypes, condemning emotions, and retaliatory intent in corporate crises
C Barbarossa, T Mandler
Journal of International Marketing 29 (2), 26-44, 2021
A self-identity driven model of electric car adoption and the moderating role of personal values
P De Pelsmacker, I Moons, C Barvarossa
International Conference Marketing Trends, 1-16, 2016
Not all CSR initiatives are perceived equal: The influence of CSR domains and focal moralities on consumer responses to the company and the cause
C Barbarossa, Y Chen, S Romani, D Korschun
Journal of Cleaner Production 380, 134949, 2022
The buffering and backfiring effects of CSR strategies during a crisis: A US perspective
C Barbarossa, PE Murphy
Rethinking Business Responsibility in a Global Context: Challenges to …, 2020
Green consumer behaviour: an exploration of values held by" subjectivist" consumers
A Pastore, C Barbarossa
Mercati e Competitività, 2012
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