Mircea Ariel Schoenfeld
Mircea Ariel Schoenfeld
Professor of Experimental Neurology and Functional Neuroimaging
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Cited by
Focal thinning of the cerebral cortex in multiple sclerosis
M Sailer, B Fischl, D Salat, C Tempelmann, MA Schönfeld, E Busa, ...
Brain 126 (8), 1734-1744, 2003
Audiovisual temporal correspondence modulates human multisensory superior temporal sulcus plus primary sensory cortices
T Noesselt, JW Rieger, MA Schoenfeld, M Kanowski, H Hinrichs, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (42), 11431-11441, 2007
Direct neurophysiological evidence for spatial suppression surrounding the focus of attention in vision
JM Hopf, CN Boehler, SJ Luck, JK Tsotsos, HJ Heinze, MA Schoenfeld
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (4), 1053-1058, 2006
Attention to features precedes attention to locations in visual search: evidence from electromagnetic brain responses in humans
JM Hopf, K Boelmans, MA Schoenfeld, SJ Luck, HJ Heinze
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (8), 1822-1832, 2004
Rapid recurrent processing gates awareness in primary visual cortex
CN Boehler, MA Schoenfeld, HJ Heinze, JM Hopf
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (25), 8742-8747, 2008
Dynamics of feature binding during object-selective attention
MA Schoenfeld, C Tempelmann, A Martinez, JM Hopf, C Sattler, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (20), 11806-11811, 2003
Functional magnetic resonance tomography correlates of taste perception in the human primary taste cortex
MA Schoenfeld, G Neuer, C Tempelmann, K Schüssler, T Noesselt, ...
Neuroscience 127 (2), 347-353, 2004
The neural site of attention matches the spatial scale of perception
JM Hopf, SJ Luck, K Boelmans, MA Schoenfeld, CN Boehler, J Rieger, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (13), 3532-3540, 2006
Differentiation of idiopathic Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy, and healthy controls using magnetization transfer imaging
T Eckert, M Sailer, J Kaufmann, C Schrader, T Peschel, N Bodammer, ...
Neuroimage 21 (1), 229-235, 2004
Spatio-temporal analysis of feature-based attention
MA Schoenfeld, JM Hopf, A Martinez, HM Mai, C Sattler, A Gasde, ...
Cerebral cortex 17 (10), 2468-2477, 2007
Functional motor compensation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
MA Schoenfeld, C Tempelmann, C Gaul, GR Kühnel, E Düzel, JM Hopf, ...
Journal of neurology 252, 944-952, 2005
Basal ganglia pathology in ALS is associated with neuropsychological deficits
J Machts, K Loewe, J Kaufmann, S Jakubiczka, S Abdulla, S Petri, ...
Neurology 85 (15), 1301-1309, 2015
Action imagery combined with action observation activates more corticomotor regions than action observation alone
V Nedelko, T Hassa, F Hamzei, MA Schoenfeld, C Dettmers
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 36 (4), 182-188, 2012
Magneto-and electroencephalographic manifestations of reward anticipation and delivery
N Doñamayor, MA Schoenfeld, TF Münte
Neuroimage 62 (1), 17-29, 2012
Task-load-dependent activation of dopaminergic midbrain areas in the absence of reward
CN Boehler, JM Hopf, RM Krebs, CM Stoppel, MA Schoenfeld, HJ Heinze, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (13), 4955-4961, 2011
Age-independent activation in areas of the mirror neuron system during action observation and action imagery. A fMRI study
V Nedelko, T Hassa, F Hamzei, C Weiller, F Binkofski, MA Schoenfeld, ...
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 28 (6), 737-747, 2010
The center-surround profile of the focus of attention arises from recurrent processing in visual cortex
CN Boehler, JK Tsotsos, MA Schoenfeld, HJ Heinze, JM Hopf
Cerebral Cortex 19 (4), 982-991, 2009
Analysis of pathways mediating preserved vision after striate cortex lesions
MA Schoenfeld, T Noesselt, D Poggel, C Tempelmann, JM Hopf, ...
Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 2002
Neural basis of multisensory looming signals
S Tyll, B Bonath, MA Schoenfeld, HJ Heinze, FW Ohl, T Noesselt
Neuroimage 65, 13-22, 2013
Subfield‐specific loss of hippocampal N‐acetyl aspartate in temporal lobe epilepsy
S Vielhaber, HG Niessen, G Debska‐Vielhaber, AP Kudin, J Wellmer, ...
Epilepsia 49 (1), 40-50, 2008
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Articles 1–20