Yaacov Trope
Yaacov Trope
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Construal-level theory of psychological distance.
Y Trope, N Liberman
Psychological review 117 (2), 440, 2010
Temporal construal.
Y Trope, N Liberman
Psychological review 110 (3), 403, 2003
Dual-process theories in social psychology
S Chaiken
Guilford Press google schola 2, 206-214, 1999
The role of feasibility and desirability considerations in near and distant future decisions: A test of temporal construal theory.
N Liberman, Y Trope
Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (1), 5, 1998
Construal levels and psychological distance: Effects on representation, prediction, evaluation, and behavior
Y Trope, N Liberman, C Wakslak
Journal of consumer psychology 17 (2), 83-95, 2007
Construal levels and self-control.
K Fujita, Y Trope, N Liberman, M Levin-Sagi
Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (3), 351, 2006
The psychology of transcending the here and now
N Liberman, Y Trope
Science 322 (5905), 1201-1205, 2008
The effect of temporal distance on level of mental construal
N Liberman, MD Sagristano, Y Trope
Journal of experimental social psychology 38 (6), 523-534, 2002
Temporal construal and time-dependent changes in preference.
Y Trope, N Liberman
Journal of personality and social psychology 79 (6), 876, 2000
Psychological distance
N Liberman
Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles/Guilford Press, 2007
You focus on the forest when you're in charge of the trees: power priming and abstract information processing.
PK Smith, Y Trope
Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (4), 578, 2006
Identification and inferential processes in dispositional attribution.
Y Trope
Psychological review 93 (3), 239, 1986
Spatial distance and mental construal of social events
K Fujita, MD Henderson, J Eng, Y Trope, N Liberman
Psychological science 17 (4), 278-282, 2006
Body cues, not facial expressions, discriminate between intense positive and negative emotions
H Aviezer, Y Trope, A Todorov
Science 338 (6111), 1225-1229, 2012
The influence of abstract and concrete mindsets on anticipating and guiding others' self-regulatory efforts
AL Freitas, P Gollwitzer, Y Trope
Journal of experimental social psychology 40 (6), 739-752, 2004
Interpersonal similarity as a social distance dimension: Implications for perception of others’ actions
I Liviatan, Y Trope, N Liberman
Journal of experimental social psychology 44 (5), 1256-1269, 2008
The association between psychological distance and construal level: evidence from an implicit association test.
Y Bar-Anan, N Liberman, Y Trope
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 135 (4), 609, 2006
Counteractive self-control in overcoming temptation.
Y Trope, A Fishbach
Journal of personality and social psychology 79 (4), 493, 2000
Reflexion and reflection: A social cognitive neuroscience approach to attributional inference
MD Lieberman, R Gaunt, DT Gilbert, Y Trope
Advances in experimental social psychology 34, 199-249, 2002
Seeing the forest when entry is unlikely: probability and the mental representation of events.
CJ Wakslak, Y Trope, N Liberman, R Alony
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 135 (4), 641, 2006
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Articles 1–20