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Cited by
Acoustic studies of the effect of X-ray irradiation on the dynamic drag of dislocations in LiF crystals
GO Petchenko
Ukrayins' kij Fyizichnij Zhurnal (Kyiv) 56 (4), 340-345, 2011
Phonon Drag of Dislocations in KCl crystals with Various Dislocation Structure States
OM Petchenko, GO Petchenko
Ukr. Journ. Phys, 55, 2010
The study of the dislocation resonance in LiF crystals under the influence of the low dose X irradiation
GA Petchenko, ÀM Petchenko
Functional materials 17 (4), 421-424, 2010
Effect of crystal pre-straining on phonon damping of dislocations
AM Petchenko, GA Petchenko
Functional Materials, 2008
Research of the preliminary deformation and irradiation effect on the viscous damping of dislocations in LiF crystals
GA Petchenko
Functional Materials, 2013
The investigation of the dislocations resonant losses of ultrasonic sound in irradiated LiF single crystals in the interval of irradiation doses 0-400 R
GA Petchenko
Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki. Fizika Radiatsionnykh Povrezhdenij i …, 2012
Dynamic damping of dislocations in the irradiated LiF crystals
GA Petchenko
Functional materials, 19, 2012
Features of ultrasonic absorption in LiF crystals with varying dislocation density
AM Petchenko, GA Petchenko
Bullrtin of VN Karazin National University 865 (12), 39-44, 2009
Features of resonance absorption of longitudinal ultrasound in strained crystals KBr at temperature variations
AM Petchenko, GA Petchenko
Functional Materials, 2007
The effect of preliminary deformation and irradiation on the optical absorption in LiF crystals
GA Petchenko, SS Ovchinnikov
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series “Physics of Radiation …, 2014
The study of dynamic and structural characteristics in irradiated crystals LiF
GA Petchenko
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series “Physics of Radiation …, 2013
Dynamic damping of dislocations with phonons in KBr single crystals
ÀM Petchenko, GA Petchenko
Functional Materials 13 (3), 403-405, 2006
Viscous dislocation drag in KBr crystals at 77-300 K
VP Matsokin, GA Petchenko
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 26 (7), 705-710, 2000
Dependence of electronic color center concentration on the state of irradiated LiF crystal dislocation structure
GA Petchenko, AM Petchenko
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series “Physics of Radiation …, 2015
Research of the elastic wave velocity dispersion in X-ray-irradiated LiF crystals
GO Petchenko, OM Petchenko
Ukrainian journal of physics, 974-979, 2013
Effective method for calculating the shape of specular reflector of the luminaire with the required luminous intensity distribution curve
LG Balandayeva, GA Petchenko, AI Tokman
Municipal services of cities, 207-210, 2003
Research of resonant losses of ultrasonic sound in the deformed single crystals in temperature range 77... 300 K
AM Petchenko, GA Petchenko
Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki, 46-50, 2007
Ìåòîäè÷í³ âêàç³âêè äî âèêîíàííÿ ïðàêòè÷íèõ ðîá³ò ç êóðñó “Çàãàëüíà ô³çèêà”. Ðîçä³ë “Ìîëåêóëÿðíà ô³çèêà ³ òåðìîäèíàì³êà”(äëÿ ñòóäåíò³â 1 êóðñó äåííî¿ ³ çàî÷íî¿ ôîðì íàâ÷àííÿ çà …
ÎÌ Ïåò÷åíêî, ÃÎ Ïåò÷åíêî, ª² Íàçàðåíêî, ªÑ Îðåë
6tudy of ultrasound absorption by dislocations in KBr single crystals under loZ static stresses
GÀ Petchenko
Functional materials 8 (3), 483, 2001
The investigation of X-ray irradiation on elastic, dynamical and structural characteristics of strained LiF crystals
GO Petchenko, ÎM Petchenko, SM Boiko
Problems of atomic science and technology, 114, 2018
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Articles 1–20