First-order probabilistic models for coreference resolution A Culotta, M Wick, A McCallum Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American …, 2007 | 241 | 2007 |
Unlocking fairness: a trade-off revisited M Wick, JB Tristan Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019 | 181 | 2019 |
Author disambiguation using error-driven machine learning with a ranking loss function A Culotta, P Kanani, R Hall, M Wick, A McCallum Sixth International Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb-07 …, 2007 | 127 | 2007 |
Character-based attribute value extraction system PH Kanani, ML Wick, AC Pocock US Patent 11,010,768, 2021 | 105 | 2021 |
Scalable probabilistic databases with factor graphs and MCMC M Wick, A McCallum, G Miklau arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.1934, 2010 | 96 | 2010 |
A discriminative hierarchical model for fast coreference at large scale M Wick, S Singh, A McCallum Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2012 | 90 | 2012 |
Upstream mitigation is not all you need: Testing the bias transfer hypothesis in pre-trained language models R Steed, S Panda, A Kobren, M Wick Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2022 | 83 | 2022 |
A unified approach for schema matching, coreference and canonicalization ML Wick, K Rohanimanesh, K Schultz, A McCallum Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2008 | 66 | 2008 |
SampleRank: Training Factor Graphs with Atomic Gradients. ML Wick, K Rohanimanesh, K Bellare, A Culotta, A McCallum ICML 5, 1, 2011 | 65 | 2011 |
Samplerank: Learning preferences from atomic gradients M Wick, K Rohanimanesh, A Culotta, A McCallum Advances in Ranking, 69, 2009 | 60 | 2009 |
An entity based model for coreference resolution M Wick, A Culotta, K Rohanimanesh, A McCallum Proceedings of the 2009 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 365-376, 2009 | 59 | 2009 |
Context-sensitive error correction: Using topic models to improve OCR M Wick, M Ross, E Learned-Miller Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2007 | 53 | 2007 |
Multilingual embeddings for natural language processing ML Wick, PH Kanani, AC Pocock US Patent 9,779,085, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Gradient-based inference for networks with output constraints JY Lee, SV Mehta, M Wick, JB Tristan, J Carbonell Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 4147-4154, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Hybrid in-database inference for declarative information extraction DZ Wang, MJ Franklin, M Garofalakis, JM Hellerstein, ML Wick Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2011 | 46 | 2011 |
Learning field compatibilities to extract database records from unstructured text M Wick, A Culotta, A McCallum Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
Minimally-constrained multilingual embeddings via artificial code-switching M Wick, P Kanani, A Pocock Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 30 (1), 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
A joint model for discovering and linking entities M Wick, S Singh, H Pandya, A McCallum Proceedings of the 2013 workshop on Automated knowledge base construction, 67-72, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Monte Carlo MCMC: Efficient inference by approximate sampling S Singh, M Wick, A McCallum Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural …, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Canonicalization of database records using adaptive similarity measures A Culotta, M Wick, R Hall, M Marzilli, A McCallum Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2007 | 32 | 2007 |