Ramya Maitreyee
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Cited by
The crosslinguistic acquisition of sentence structure: Computational modeling and grammaticality judgments from adult and child speakers of English, Japanese, Hindi, Hebrew and …
B Ambridge, R Maitreyee, T Tatsumi, L Doherty, S Zicherman, PM Pedro, ...
Cognition 202, 104310, 2020
Language proficiency questionnaire: an adaptation of LEAP-Q in Indian context
R Maitreyee, SP Goswami
Unpublished dissertation, University of Mysore, Mysore, 2009
Testing a computational model of causative overgeneralizations: child judgment and production data from English, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese and K’iche’
B Ambridge, L Doherty, R Maitreyee, T Tatsumi, S Zicherman, PM Pedro, ...
Open Research Europe 1, 1, 2022
Learners restrict their linguistic generalizations using preemption but not entrenchment: Evidence from artificial-language-learning studies with adults and children.
A Samara, E Wonnacott, G Saxena, R Maitreyee, J Fazekas, B Ambridge
Psychological Review, 2024
Verbal ability in postmenopausal women in relation to age, cognitive and reproductive factors
R Maitreyee, R Varley, PE Cowell
Acta Psychologica 238, 103963, 2023
Ergative marking in Hindi: Stimuli, data and R code
B Ambridge, R Maitreyee, G Saxena, B Narasimhan, S Samanta
OSF, 2023
Children learn ergative case marking in Hindi using statistical preemption and clause-level semantics (intentionality): evidence from acceptability judgment and elicited …
R Maitreyee, G Saxena, B Narasimhan, DM Sharma, P Mishra, RB Nair, ...
Open Research Europe 3, 2023
CLASS: Cross linguistic acquisition of sentence structure
B Ambridge, L Doherty, T Tatsumi, S Zicherman, R Maitreyee
OSF, 2018
The effects of age and menopause on word finding abilities in midlife and late-life women
R Maitreyee
University of Sheffield, 2016
The effects of age and menopause on verbal fluency
R Maitreyee, R Varley, S Whiteside, P Cowell
Maturitas 81 (1), 216-217, 2015
Schizophasia: A single case study of cognitive-linguistic impairments in schizophrenia.
S Chengappa, R Maitreyee, R Batra
Psychological Studies, 2007
Development of ergative case-marking in Hindi: Evidence from a grammaticality judgment study.
GS B Ambridge, R Maitreyee, B Narasimhan, R B Nair, D Misra-Sharma, 0
The Crosslinguistic acquisition of causative sentence structure: Grammaticality judgments from adult and child speakers of English, Japanese, Hindi, Hebrew and K’iche’
B Ambridge, L Doherty, R Maitreyee, T Tatsumi, C Bannard, S McCauley, ...
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R Maitreyee, R Varley, S Whiteside, P Cowell
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