Dugald Duncan
Dugald Duncan
Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University
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Sympletic finite difference approximations of the nonlinear Klein--Gordon equation
DB Duncan
SIAM Journal on numerical analysis 34 (5), 1742-1760, 1997
Solitons on lattices
DB Duncan, JC Eilbeck, H Feddersen, JAD Wattis
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 68 (1), 1-11, 1993
Stability and convergence of collocation schemes for retarded potential integral equations
PJ Davies, DB Duncan
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 42 (3), 1167-1188, 2004
Averaging techniques for time-marching schemes for retarded potential integral equations
PJ Davies, DB Duncan
Applied Numerical Mathematics 23 (3), 291-310, 1997
A mechanistic model of gas-condensate flow in pores
M Jamiolahmady, A Danesh, DH Tehrani, DB Duncan
Transport in porous media 41, 17-46, 2000
Positive effect of flow velocity on gas–condensate relative permeability: network modelling and comparison with experimental results
M Jamiolahmady, A Danesh, DH Tehrani, DB Duncan
Transport in Porous Media 52, 159-183, 2003
Topics in computational wave propagation: direct and inverse problems
M Ainsworth, P Davies, DB Duncan, PA Martin, B Rynne
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Verification of the from model for zircaloy oxidation during high temperature transients
FC Iglesias, DB Duncan, S Sagat, HE Sills
Journal of Nuclear Materials 130, 36-44, 1985
Coarsening in an integro-differential model of phase transitions
DB Duncan, M Grinfeld, I Stoleriu
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 11 (6), 561-572, 2000
Numerical approximation of a metastable system
J Carr, DB Duncan, CH Walshaw
IMA journal of numerical analysis 15 (4), 505-521, 1995
Discontinuous Galerkin approximations for Volterra integral equations of the first kind
H Brunner, PJ Davies, DB Duncan
IMA journal of numerical analysis 29 (4), 856-881, 2009
Accurate and efficient algorithms for frequency domain scattering from a thin wire
PJ Davies, DB Duncan, SA Funken
Journal of Computational Physics 168 (1), 155-183, 2001
Solitary waves on a strongly anisotropic KP lattice
DB Duncan, JC Eilbeck, CH Walshaw, VE Zakharov
Physics Letters A 158 (3-4), 107-111, 1991
Approximating the Becker–Döring cluster equations
DB Duncan, AR Soheili
Applied numerical mathematics 37 (1-2), 1-29, 2001
Flow around a rock perforation surrounded by crushed zone: Experiments vs. theory
M Jamiolahmady, A Danesh, M Sohrabi, DB Duncan
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 50 (2), 102-114, 2006
Release of iodine from defective fuel elements following reactor shutdown
BJ Lewis, DB Duncan, CR Phillips
Nuclear Technology 77 (3), 303-312, 1987
Convolution-in-time approximations of time domain boundary integral equations
PJ Davies, DB Duncan
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (1), B43-B61, 2013
Freedom: a transient fission-product release model for radioactive and stable species
LD Macdonald, DB Duncan, BJ Lewis, FC Iglesias
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 1989
Convolution spline approximations for time domain boundary integral equations
PJ Davies, DB Duncan
Numerical approximation of first kind Volterra convolution integral equations with discontinuous kernels
PJ Davies, DB Duncan
The Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 29 (1), 41-73, 2017
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Articles 1–20