Jacint Szabo
Jacint Szabo
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Cited by
Aggregation and disaggregation of energetic flexibility from distributed energy resources
FL Müller, J Szabó, O Sundström, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (2), 1205-1214, 2017
Latent dirichlet allocation in web spam filtering
I Bíró, J Szabó, AA Benczúr
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Adversarial information …, 2008
Linked latent dirichlet allocation in web spam filtering
I Bíró, D Siklósi, J Szabó, AA Benczúr
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Adversarial Information …, 2009
An ensemble prediction model for train delays
R Nair, TL Hoang, M Laumanns, B Chen, R Cogill, J Szabó, T Walter
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 104, 196-209, 2019
Aggregation of energetic flexibility using zonotopes
FL Müller, O Sundström, J Szabó, J Lygeros
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6564-6569, 2015
Predicting DRAM reliability in the field with machine learning
I Giurgiu, J Szabo, D Wiesmann, J Bird
Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference: Industrial …, 2017
The k‐piece packing problem
D Hartvigsen, P Hell, J Szabó
Journal of Graph Theory 52 (4), 267-293, 2006
Latent dirichlet allocation for automatic document categorization
I Bíró, J Szabó
Joint european conference on machine learning and knowledge discovery in …, 2009
Stochastic route planning in public transport
K Bérczi, A Jüttner, M Laumanns, J Szabó
Transportation Research Procedia 27, 1080-1087, 2017
Periodic railway timetabling with sequential decomposition in the PESP model
S Herrigel, M Laumanns, J Szabo, U Weidmann
Journal of rail transport planning & management 8 (3-4), 167-183, 2018
A proof of Cunninghamʼs conjecture on restricted subgraphs and jump systems
Y Kobayashi, J Szabó, K Takazawa
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 102 (4), 948-966, 2012
Web spam: a survey with vision for the archivist
A Benczúr, D Siklósi, J Szabó, I Bíró, Z Fekete, M Kurucz, A Pereszlényi, ...
Gas network topology optimization for upcoming market requirements
A Fügenschuh, B Hiller, J Humpola, T Koch, T Lehmann, R Schwarz, ...
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 346-351, 2011
Good characterizations for some degree constrained subgraphs
J Szabó
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 99 (2), 436-446, 2009
Periodic timetabling with ‘Track Choice’-PESP based on given line concepts and mesoscopic infrastructure
R Wüst, S Bütikofer, S Ess, C Gomez, A Steiner, M Laumanns, J Szabo
Operations Research Proceedings 2018: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2019
The set of solutions to nomination validation in passive gas transportation networks with a generalized flow formula
J Szabó
A unified proof for Karzanov’s exact matching theorem
HF Geerdes, J Szabó
quick proof QP-2011-02, Egerváry Research Group, Budapest, 2011
A comparative analysis of latent variable models for web page classification
I Biro, A Benczur, J Szabo, A Maguitman
2008 Latin American Web Conference, 23-28, 2008
A note on degree-constrained subgraphs
A Frank, LC Lau, J Szabó
Discrete mathematics 308 (12), 2647-2648, 2008
Data-driven simulation and optimization for incident response in urban railway networks
J Szabó, S Blandin, C Brett
Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent …, 2017
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Articles 1–20