James D. Roth
James D. Roth
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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic fractionation between diet and tissue of captive red fox: implications for dietary reconstruction
JD Roth, KA Hobson
Canadian Journal of zoology 78 (5), 848-852, 2000
Apparent competition or apparent mutualism? Shared predation when populations cycle
PA Abrams, RD Holt, JD Roth
Ecology 79 (1), 201-212, 1998
The effects of enrichment of three‐species food chains with nonlinear functional responses
PA Abrams, JD Roth
Ecology 75 (4), 1118-1130, 1994
Population history and genetic structure of a circumpolar species: the arctic fox
L Dalén, EVA Fuglei, P Hersteinsson, CMO Kapel, JD Roth, G Samelius, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84 (1), 79-89, 2005
Variability in marine resources affects arctic fox population dynamics
JD Roth
Journal of Animal Ecology 72 (4), 668-676, 2003
Temporal variability in arctic fox diet as reflected in stable-carbon isotopes; the importance of sea ice
JD Roth
Oecologia 133, 70-77, 2002
The responses of unstable food chains to enrichment
PA Abrams, J Roth
Evolutionary Ecology 8, 150-171, 1994
Estimating low-density snowshoe hare populations using fecal pellet counts
DL Murray, JD Roth, E Ellsworth, AJ Wirsing, TD Steury
Canadian Journal of Zoology 80 (4), 771-781, 2002
Inferring foraging areas of nesting loggerhead turtles using satellite telemetry and stable isotopes
SA Ceriani, JD Roth, DR Evans, JF Weishampel, LM Ehrhart
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45335, 2012
Bird tolerance to human intrusion in Wyoming montane forests
KJ Gutzwiller, HA Marcum, HB Harvey, JD Roth, SH Anderson
The Condor 100 (3), 519-527, 1998
The influence of sex and sociality on parasite loads in an African ground squirrel
MA Hillegass, JM Waterman, JD Roth
Behavioral Ecology 19 (5), 1006-1011, 2008
Implications of intraguild predation for sea turtle nest protection
BT Barton, JD Roth
Biological Conservation 141 (8), 2139-2145, 2008
Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends?
D Ehrich, NM Schmidt, G Gauthier, R Alisauskas, A Angerbjörn, K Clark, ...
Ambio 49, 786-800, 2020
Parasite removal increases reproductive success in a social African ground squirrel
MA Hillegass, JM Waterman, JD Roth
Behavioral Ecology 21 (4), 696-700, 2010
Assessment of Canada lynx research and conservation needs in the southern range: another kick at the cat
DL Murray, TD Steury, JD Roth
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (7), 1463-1472, 2008
Dune vegetation fertilization by nesting sea turtles
LB Hannan, JD Roth, LM Ehrhart, JF Weishampel
Ecology 88 (4), 1053-1058, 2007
Geographical gradients in diet affect population dynamics of Canada lynx
JD Roth, JD Marshall, DL Murray, DM Nickerson, TD Steury
Ecology, 2736-2743, 2007
Arctic foxes as ecosystem engineers: increased soil nutrients lead to increased plant productivity on fox dens
T Gharajehdaghipour, JD Roth, PM Fafard, JH Markham
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24020, 2016
Computer-aided photo-identification system with an application to polar bears based on whisker spot patterns
CJR Anderson, N Da Vitoria Lobo, JD Roth, JM Waterman
Journal of Mammalogy 91 (6), 1350-1359, 2010
Predation risk avoidance by terrestrial amphibians: the role of prey experience and vulnerability to native and exotic predators
DL Murray, JD Roth, AJ Wirsing
Ethology 110 (8), 635-647, 2004
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