Role of tau as a microtubule-associated protein: structural and functional aspects P Barbier, O Zejneli, M Martinho, A Lasorsa, V Belle, C Smet-Nocca, ... Frontiers in aging neuroscience 11, 204, 2019 | 556 | 2019 |
Identification of the Tau phosphorylation pattern that drives its aggregation C Despres, C Byrne, H Qi, FX Cantrelle, I Huvent, B Chambraud, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (34), 9080-9085, 2017 | 248 | 2017 |
Cell signaling, post-translational protein modifications and NMR spectroscopy FX Theillet, C Smet-Nocca, S Liokatis, R Thongwichian, J Kosten, ... Journal of biomolecular NMR 54, 217-236, 2012 | 194 | 2012 |
Identification of O-GlcNAc sites within peptides of the Tau protein and their impact on phosphorylation C Smet-Nocca, M Broncel, JM Wieruszeski, C Tokarski, X Hanoulle, ... Molecular BioSystems 7 (5), 1420-1429, 2011 | 152 | 2011 |
Accepting its random coil nature allows a partial NMR assignment of the neuronal Tau protein C Smet, A Leroy, A Sillen, JM Wieruszeski, I Landrieu, G Lippens Chembiochem 5 (12), 1639-1646, 2004 | 106 | 2004 |
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy characterization of interaction of Tau with DNA and its regulation by phosphorylation H Qi, FX Cantrelle, H Benhelli-Mokrani, C Smet-Nocca, L Buée, ... Biochemistry 54 (7), 1525-1533, 2015 | 102 | 2015 |
Increasing brain protein O-GlcNAc-ylation mitigates breathing defects and mortality of Tau. P301L mice P Borghgraef, C Menuet, C Theunis, JV Louis, H Devijver, H Maurin, ... PloS one 8 (12), e84442, 2013 | 100 | 2013 |
The peptidyl prolyl cis/trans-isomerase Pin1 recognizes the phospho-Thr212-Pro213 site on Tau C Smet, AV Sambo, JM Wieruszeski, A Leroy, I Landrieu, L Buée, ... Biochemistry 43 (7), 2032-2040, 2004 | 100 | 2004 |
Pin1: a therapeutic target in Alzheimer neurodegeneration M Hamdane, C Smet, AV Sambo, A Leroy, JM Wieruszeski, P Delobel, ... Journal of molecular neuroscience 19, 275-287, 2002 | 94 | 2002 |
Molecular implication of PP2A and Pin1 in the Alzheimer's disease specific hyperphosphorylation of Tau I Landrieu, C Smet-Nocca, L Amniai, JV Louis, JM Wieruszeski, J Goris, ... PLoS One 6 (6), e21521, 2011 | 91 | 2011 |
Involvement of 14‐3‐3 in tubulin instability and impaired axon development is mediated by Tau Y Joo, B Schumacher, I Landrieu, M Bartel, C Smet‐Nocca, A Jang, ... The FASEB Journal 29 (10), 4133-4144, 2015 | 84 | 2015 |
Molecular mechanisms of the phospho‐dependent prolyl cis/trans isomerase Pin1 G Lippens, I Landrieu, C Smet The FEBS journal 274 (20), 5211-5222, 2007 | 83 | 2007 |
Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of the acetylation pattern of the neuronal Tau protein A Kamah, I Huvent, FX Cantrelle, H Qi, G Lippens, I Landrieu, ... Biochemistry 53 (18), 3020-3032, 2014 | 79 | 2014 |
Neurofibrillary degeneration of the Alzheimer-type: an alternate pathway to neuronal apoptosis? M Hamdane, P Delobel, AV Sambo, C Smet, S Bégard, A Violleau, ... Biochemical pharmacology 66 (8), 1619-1625, 2003 | 79 | 2003 |
Regulation of Pin1 peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase activity by its WW binding module on a multi-phosphorylated peptide of Tau protein C Smet, JM Wieruszeski, L Buée, I Landrieu, G Lippens FEBS letters 579 (19), 4159-4164, 2005 | 76 | 2005 |
Proline‐directed random‐coil chemical shift values as a tool for the NMR assignment of the tau phosphorylation sites G Lippens, JM Wieruszeski, A Leroy, C Smet, A Sillen, L Buée, I Landrieu Chembiochem 5 (1), 73-78, 2004 | 68 | 2004 |
The elusive tau molecular structures: can we translate the recent breakthroughs into new targets for intervention? Y Fichou, YK Al-Hilaly, F Devred, C Smet-Nocca, PO Tsvetkov, J Verelst, ... Acta neuropathologica communications 7, 1-17, 2019 | 66 | 2019 |
Native top-down mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry of the interaction of tau protein with a molecular tweezer assembly modulator M Nshanian, C Lantz, P Wongkongkathep, T Schrader, FG Klärner, ... Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 30 (1), 16-23, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
The thymine− DNA glycosylase regulatory domain: Residual structure and DNA binding C Smet-Nocca, JM Wieruszeski, V Chaar, A Leroy, A Benecke Biochemistry 47 (25), 6519-6530, 2008 | 62 | 2008 |
SUMO-1 regulates the conformational dynamics of thymine-DNA glycosylase regulatory domain and competes with its DNA binding activity C Smet-Nocca, JM Wieruszeski, H Léger, S Eilebrecht, A Benecke BMC biochemistry 12, 1-15, 2011 | 61 | 2011 |