James Smith
James Smith
Associate Professor, Office of Pro Vice Chancellor - Indigenous Leadership, Charles Darwin
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Cited by
The gene ontology project in 2008
Gene Ontology Consortium
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D440-D444, 2008
Deterministic evolutionary trajectories influence primary tumor growth: TRACERx renal
S Turajlic, H Xu, K Litchfield, A Rowan, S Horswell, T Chambers, ...
Cell 173 (3), 595-610. e11, 2018
COVID‐19: Vulnerability and the power of privilege in a pandemic
JA Smith, J Judd
Health Promotion Journal of Australia 31 (2), 158, 2020
What do we know about men's help-seeking and health service use?
J Smith, A Braunack-Mayer, G Wittert
Australasian Med Publ Co Ltd, 2006
Change in classification grade by the SRS-Schwab Adult Spinal Deformity Classification predicts impact on health-related quality of life measures: prospective analysis of …
JS Smith, E Klineberg, F Schwab, CI Shaffrey, B Moal, CP Ames, R Hostin, ...
Spine 38 (19), 1663-1671, 2013
Herbicide-resistant alfalfa cells: an example of gene amplification in plants.
G Donn, E Tischer, JA Smith, HM Goodman
Journal of molecular and applied genetics 2 (6), 621-635, 1984
Mechanisms of somatic embryogenesis in cell cultures: physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology
A Komamine, R Kawahara, M Matsumoto, S Sunabori, T Toya, A Fujiwara, ...
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 28, 11-14, 1992
Two-year results from an open-label, multicentre, phase III study evaluating the safety and efficacy of canakinumab in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome …
JB Kuemmerle-Deschner, E Hachulla, R Cartwright, PN Hawkins, TA Tran, ...
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 70 (12), 2095-2102, 2011
“I've been independent for so damn long!”: Independence, masculinity and aging in a help seeking context
JA Smith, A Braunack-Mayer, G Wittert, M Warin
Journal of Aging Studies 21 (4), 325-335, 2007
Sub-ice-shelf sediments record history of twentieth-century retreat of Pine Island Glacier
JA Smith, TJ Andersen, M Shortt, AM Gaffney, M Truffer, TP Stanton, ...
Nature 541 (7635), 77-80, 2017
Racism: Science & tools for the public health professional
CL Ford, DM Griffith, MA Bruce, KL Gilbert
American Public Health Association, 2019
" It's sort of like being a detective": Understanding how Australian men self-monitor their health prior to seeking help
JA Smith, A Braunack-Mayer, G Wittert, M Warin
BMC Health Services Research 8, 1-10, 2008
Men’s health promotion: a new frontier in Australia and the UK?
JA Smith, S Robertson
Health Promotion International 23 (3), 283-289, 2008
Beyond masculine stereotypes: Moving men's health promotion forward in Australia
JA Smith
Health promotion journal of Australia 18 (1), 20-25, 2007
Qualities men value when communicating with general practitioners: implications for primary care settings
JA Smith, AJ Braunack‐Mayer, GA Wittert, MJ Warin
Medical Journal of Australia 189 (11-12), 618-621, 2008
Gay men and prostate cancer: voicing the concerns of a hidden population
SM Filiault, MJN Drummond, JA Smith
Journal of Men's Health 5 (4), 327-332, 2008
Synergy of systems theory and symbolic interactionism: a passageway for non-Indigenous researchers that facilitates better understanding Indigenous worldviews and knowledges
T Ali, PT Buergelt, EL Maypilama, D Paton, JA Smith, N Jehan
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 25 (2), 197-212, 2022
Heat, health, and humidity in Australia's monsoon tropics: a critical review of the problematization of ‘heat’in a changing climate
E Oppermann, M Brearley, L Law, JA Smith, A Clough, K Zander
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 8 (4), e468, 2017
Indigenous pathways, transitions and participation in higher education: From policy to practice
J Frawley, S Larkin, JA Smith
Springer Nature, 2017
General anaesthetic and airway management practice for obstetric surgery in England: a prospective, multicentre observational study
PM Odor, S Bampoe, SR Moonesinghe, J Andrade, JJ Pandit, DN Lucas, ...
Anaesthesia 76 (4), 460-471, 2021
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Articles 1–20