Tajana Rosing
Tajana Rosing
Other namesTajana Simunic, T Rosing, Tajana Simunic Rosing
Distinguished Professor, UCSD
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Cited by
PDRAM: A hybrid PRAM and DRAM main memory system
G Dhiman, R Ayoub, T Rosing
Proceedings of the 46th Annual Design Automation Conference, 664-469, 2009
Energy harvesting for structural health monitoring sensor networks
G Park, T Rosing, MD Todd, CR Farrar, W Hodgkiss
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 14 (1), 64-79, 2008
Spottune: transfer learning through adaptive fine-tuning
Y Guo, H Shi, A Kumar, K Grauman, T Rosing, R Feris
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Activity recognition from on-body sensors: accuracy-power trade-off by dynamic sensor selection
P Zappi, C Lombriser, T Stiefmeier, E Farella, D Roggen, L Benini, ...
Wireless Sensor Networks: 5th European Conference, EWSN 2008, Bologna, Italy …, 2008
Integrating microsecond circuit switching into the data center
G Porter, R Strong, N Farrington, A Forencich, P Chen-Sun, T Rosing, ...
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 43 (4), 447-458, 2013
A broader study of cross-domain few-shot learning
Y Guo, NC Codella, L Karlinsky, JV Codella, JR Smith, K Saenko, ...
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Prediction and management in energy harvested wireless sensor nodes
JR Piorno, C Bergonzini, D Atienza, TS Rosing
2009 1st International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular …, 2009
Temperature aware task scheduling in MPSoCs
AK Coskun, TS Rosing, K Whisnant
2007 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 1-6, 2007
Dynamic voltage scaling and power management for portable systems
T Simunic, L Benini, A Acquaviva, P Glynn, G De Micheli
Proceedings of the 38th annual Design Automation Conference, 524-529, 2001
Dynamic power management for portable systems
T Simunic, L Benini, P Glynn, G De Micheli
Proceedings of the 6th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2000
Floatpim: In-memory acceleration of deep neural network training with high precision
M Imani, S Gupta, Y Kim, T Rosing
Proceedings of the 46th International Symposium on Computer Architecture …, 2019
Cycle-accurate simulation of energy consumption in embedded systems
T Šimunić, L Benini, G De Micheli
Proceedings of the 36th annual ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, 867-872, 1999
Managing distributed ups energy for effective power capping in data centers
V Kontorinis, LE Zhang, B Aksanli, J Sampson, H Homayoun, E Pettis, ...
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 40 (3), 488-499, 2012
Dynamic thermal management in 3D multicore architectures
AK Coskun, JL Ayala, D Atienza, TS Rosing, Y Leblebici
2009 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 1410-1415, 2009
Exploring hyperdimensional associative memory
M Imani, A Rahimi, D Kong, T Rosing, JM Rabaey
2017 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture …, 2017
Voicehd: Hyperdimensional computing for efficient speech recognition
M Imani, D Kong, A Rahimi, T Rosing
2017 IEEE international conference on rebooting computing (ICRC), 1-8, 2017
Application-driven method and apparatus for limiting power consumption in a processor-controlled hardware platform
A Acquaviva, L Benini, TS Rosing
US Patent 7,272,730, 2007
Event-driven power management
T Simunic, L Benini, P Glynn, G De Micheli
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2001
Energy-efficient design of battery-powered embedded systems
T Simunic, L Benini, G De Micheli
Proceedings of the 1999 international symposium on Low power electronics and …, 1999
An analysis of cross‐sectional differences in big and non‐big public accounting firms' audit programs
H Blokdijk, F Drieenhuizen, DA Simunic, MT Stein
Auditing: A journal of practice & theory 25 (1), 27-48, 2006
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Articles 1–20