Maksym Tymkovych
Maksym Tymkovych
Другие именаМаксим Тимкович, Максим Тымкович
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
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Using a priori data for segmentation anatomical structures of the brain
OG Avrunin, MY Tymkovych, SP Moskovko, SO Romanyuk, A Kotyra, ...
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 3, 102-105, 2017
The surgical navigation system with optical position determination technology and sources of errors
OG Avrunin, M Alkhorayef, HFI Saied, MY Tymkovych
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 5 (4), 689-696, 2015
Classification of CT-brain slices based on local histograms
OG Avrunin, MY Tymkovych, SV Pavlov, SV Timchik, P Kisała, ...
Optical Fibers and Their Applications 2015 9816, 347-354, 2015
Використання технологій віртуальної реальності в пластичній хірургії
ОВ Бажан, ОГ Аврунін, МЮ Тимкович
Кременчуцький авіаційний коледж, 2018
Automated method for structural segmentation of nasal airways based on cone beam computed tomography
MY Tymkovych, OG Avrunin, VG Paliy, M Filzow, O Gryshkov, ...
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2017
Determining the degree of invasiveness of surgical access for planning surgery
OG Avrunin, MY Tymkovych, HI Farouk
Bionics of Intelligence 2 (81), 101-104, 2013
Способ реконструкции интактной поверхности хирургических доступов
МЮ Тымкович, ОГ Аврунин, ХИ Фарук
Восточно-европейский журнал передовых технологий 4 (9 (70)), 37-41, 2014
Использование DICOM изображений в медицинских системах
МЮ Тымкович, ОГ Аврунін, ВВ Семенець
НТУ" ХПИ", 2012
Automatized technique for three-dimensional reconstruction of cranial implant based on symmetry
O Avrunin, M Tymkovych, J Drauil
2015 Information Technologies in Innovation Business Conference (ITIB), 39-42, 2015
3D visualization of human body internal structures surface during stereo-endoscopic operations using computer vision techniques
K Selivanova, O Avrunin, M Tymkovych, T Manhora, O Bezverkhyi, ...
Przeglad elektrotechniczny. 2021. Nr. 9. P. 30-33., 2021
Application of 3D printing technologies in building patient-specific training systems for computing planning in rhinology
OG Avrunin, MY Tymkovych, HFI Saed, AV Loburets, IA Krivoruchko, ...
Information Technology in Medical Diagnostics II, 1-8, 2019
Application of SOFA Framework for Physics-Based Simulation of Deformable Human Anatomy of Nasal Cavity
M Tymkovych, O Gryshkov, O Avrunin, K Selivanova, Y Nosova, ...
8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference: Proceedings of …, 2021
Ice crystals microscopic images segmentation based on active contours
M Tymkovych, O Avrunin, O Gryshkov, V Semenets, B Glasmacher
2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2019
Внедрение multi-touch технологии для реализации интерактивного тестирования в психоневрологии
КГ Селиванова, МЮ Тімкович, ОГ Аврунін
КрНУ, 2018
Multiscale quantitative analysis of microscopic images of ice crystals
MY Tymkovych, O Gryshkov, KG Selivanova, V Mutsenko, B Glasmacher
The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 2019
Computed tomography dataset analysis for stereotaxic neurosurgery navigation
O Avrunin, M Tymkovych, V Semenets, V Piatykop
2019 IEEE 8th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and …, 2019
Features of Image Segmentation of the Upper Respiratory Tract for Planning of Rhinosurgical Surgery
OG Avrunin, MY Tymkovych, IY Abdelhamid, NO Shushliapina, ...
2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2019
Application of artificial neural networks for analysis of ice recrystallization process for cryopreservation
M Tymkovych, O Gryshkov, K Selivanova, V Mutsenko, O Avrunin, ...
8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference: Proceedings of …, 2021
Сучасні технології фантомного моделювання в нейрохірургії як різновид симуляційного навчання лікарів-нейрохірургів
ВО П'ятикоп, ОГ Аврунін, МЮ Тимкович, ІО Кутовий, ІО Полях
ХНМУ, 2016
Использование технологии быстрого прототипирования для задач натурного предоперационного планирования и обучения
М Фильзов, МЮ Тымкович
НТУ" ХПИ", 2016
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Статьи 1–20