C.S. Dunleavy
C.S. Dunleavy
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge
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Characterisation of discharge events during plasma electrolytic oxidation
CS Dunleavy, IO Golosnoy, JA Curran, TW Clyne
Surface and Coatings Technology 203 (22), 3410-3419, 2009
Energy absorption during projectile perforation of thin steel plates and the kinetic energy of ejected fragments
J Dean, CS Dunleavy, PM Brown, TW Clyne
International journal of impact engineering 36 (10-11), 1250-1258, 2009
Time dependent statistics of plasma discharge parameters during bulk AC plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminium
CS Dunleavy, JA Curran, TW Clyne
Applied Surface Science 268, 397-409, 2013
Self-similar scaling of discharge events through PEO coatings on aluminium
CS Dunleavy, JA Curran, TW Clyne
Surface and coatings technology 206 (6), 1051-1061, 2011
Plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminium networks to form a metal-cored ceramic composite hybrid material
CS Dunleavy, JA Curran, TW Clyne
Composites Science and Technology 71 (6), 908-915, 2011
Electrical monitoring of crack propagation during quasi-static loading and ballistic impact of alumina plates
EK Oberg, CS Dunleavy, P Bourke, TW Clyne
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33 (13-14), 2663-2675, 2013
Development of quantitative techniques for the study of discharge events during plasma electrolytic oxidation processes
CS Dunleavy
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Articles 1–7