herlina arianita dewi
herlina arianita dewi
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Cited by
Inorganic halide perovskites for efficient light-emitting diodes
N Yantara, S Bhaumik, F Yan, D Sabba, HA Dewi, N Mathews, PP Boix, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (21), 4360-4364, 2015
Lead-Free MA2CuClxBr4–x Hybrid Perovskites
D Cortecchia, HA Dewi, J Yin, A Bruno, S Chen, T Baikie, PP Boix, ...
Inorganic chemistry 55 (3), 1044-1052, 2016
Highly efficient thermally co-evaporated perovskite solar cells and mini-modules
J Li, H Wang, XY Chin, HA Dewi, K Vergeer, TW Goh, JWM Lim, JH Lew, ...
Joule 4 (5), 1035-1053, 2020
Spectral features and charge dynamics of lead halide perovskites: origins and interpretations
TC Sum, N Mathews, G Xing, SS Lim, WK Chong, D Giovanni, HA Dewi
Accounts of chemical research 49 (2), 294-302, 2016
Over 20% efficient CIGS–perovskite tandem solar cells
A Guchhait, HA Dewi, SW Leow, H Wang, G Han, FB Suhaimi, ...
ACS Energy Letters 2 (4), 807-812, 2017
Tunable room-temperature spin-selective optical Stark effect in solution-processed layered halide perovskites
D Giovanni, WK Chong, HA Dewi, K Thirumal, I Neogi, R Ramesh, ...
Science advances 2 (6), e1600477, 2016
Unravelling the Effects of Cl Addition in Single Step CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells
N Yantara, F Yanan, C Shi, HA Dewi, PP Boix, SG Mhaisalkar, N Mathews
Chemistry of Materials 27 (7), 2309-2314, 2015
Bifacial, color-tunable semitransparent perovskite solar cells for building-integrated photovoltaics
H Wang, HA Dewi, TM Koh, A Bruno, S Mhaisalkar, N Mathews
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (1), 484-493, 2019
Highly efficient semitransparent perovskite solar cells for four terminal perovskite-silicon tandems
HA Dewi, H Wang, J Li, M Thway, R Sridharan, R Stangl, F Lin, AG Aberle, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (37), 34178-34187, 2019
Incorporation of Cl into sequentially deposited lead halide perovskite films for highly efficient mesoporous solar cells
S Dharani, HA Dewi, RR Prabhakar, T Baikie, C Shi, D Yonghua, ...
Nanoscale 6 (22), 13854-13860, 2014
Coherent spin and quasiparticle dynamics in solution‐processed layered 2d lead halide perovskites
D Giovanni, WK Chong, YYF Liu, HA Dewi, T Yin, Y Lekina, ZX Shen, ...
Advanced Science 5 (10), 1800664, 2018
Excellent Intrinsic Long‐Term Thermal Stability of Co‐Evaporated MAPbI3 Solar Cells at 85 °C
HA Dewi, J Li, H Wang, B Chaudhary, N Mathews, S Mhaisalkar, A Bruno
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (22), 2100557, 2021
Facile Synthesis of a Furan–Arylamine Hole‐Transporting Material for High‐Efficiency, Mesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells
A Krishna, D Sabba, J Yin, A Bruno, PP Boix, Y Gao, HA Dewi, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 21 (43), 15113-15117, 2015
Co‐Evaporated MAPbI3 with Graded Fermi Levels Enables Highly Performing, Scalable, and Flexible p‐i‐n Perovskite Solar Cells
J Li, HA Dewi, H Wang, J Zhao, N Tiwari, N Yantara, T Malinauskas, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (42), 2103252, 2021
Colorful perovskite solar cells: progress, strategies, and potentials
H Wang, J Li, HA Dewi, N Mathews, S Mhaisalkar, A Bruno
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (4), 1321-1329, 2021
Design of Perovskite Thermally Co‐Evaporated Highly Efficient Mini‐Modules with High Geometrical Fill Factors
J Li, HA Dewi, H Wang, JH Lew, N Mathews, S Mhaisalkar, A Bruno
Solar RRL 4 (12), 2000473, 2020
Ultrafast long-range spin-funneling in solution-processed Ruddlesden–Popper halide perovskites
D Giovanni, JWM Lim, Z Yuan, SS Lim, M Righetto, J Qing, Q Zhang, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 3456, 2019
Modulating carrier dynamics through perovskite film engineering
SS Lim, WK Chong, A Solanki, HA Dewi, S Mhaisalkar, N Mathews, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (39), 27119-27123, 2016
Advances and Potentials of NiO x Surface Treatments for p−i−n Perovskite Solar Cells
N Tiwari, H Arianita Dewi, E Erdenebileg, R Narayan Chauhan, ...
Solar RRL 6 (3), 2100700, 2022
Investigation of electron transfer from isolated spinach thylakoids to indium tin oxide
HA Dewi, F Meng, B Sana, C Guo, B Norling, X Chen, S Lim
RSC Advances 4 (90), 48815-48820, 2014
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Articles 1–20