Boris Gurevich
Boris Gurevich
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене curtin.edu.au
Seismic wave attenuation and dispersion resulting from wave-induced flow in porous rocks—A review
TM Müller, B Gurevich, M Lebedev
Geophysics 75 (5), 75A147-75A164, 2010
A simple model for squirt-flow dispersion and attenuation in fluid-saturated granular rocks
B Gurevich, D Makarynska, OB de Paula, M Pervukhina
Geophysics 75 (6), N109-N120, 2010
Velocity and attenuation of elastic waves in finely layered porous rocks
B Gurevich, SL Lopatnikov
Geophysical Journal International 121 (3), 933-947, 1995
Elastic properties of saturated porous rocks with aligned fractures
B Gurevich
Journal of Applied Geophysics 54 (3-4), 203-218, 2003
A model for P-wave attenuation and dispersion in a porous medium permeated by aligned fractures
M Brajanovski, B Gurevich, M Schoenberg
Geophysical Journal International 163 (1), 372-384, 2005
P‐wave dispersion and attenuation in fractured and porous reservoirs–poroelasticity approach
B Gurevich, M Brajanovski, RJ Galvin, TM Müller, J Toms‐Stewart
Geophysical Prospecting 57 (2), 225-237, 2009
Interface conditions for Biot’s equations of poroelasticity
B Gurevich, M Schoenberg
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105 (5), 2585-2589, 1999
One-dimensional random patchy saturation model for velocity and attenuation in porous rocks
TM Müller, B Gurevich
Geophysics 69 (5), 1166-1172, 2004
Seismic attenuation in finely layered porous rocks: Effects of fluid flow and scattering
B Gurevich, VB Zyrianov, SL Lopatnikov
Geophysics 62 (1), 319-324, 1997
Comparative review of theoretical models for elastic wave attenuation and dispersion in partially saturated rocks
J Toms, TM Müller, R Ciz, B Gurevich
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (6-7), 548-565, 2006
Wave-induced fluid flow in random porous media: Attenuation and dispersion of elastic waves
TM Müller, B Gurevich
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117 (5), 2732-2741, 2005
Direct laboratory observation of patchy saturation and its effects on ultrasonic velocities
M Lebedev, J Toms-Stewart, B Clennell, M Pervukhina, V Shulakova, ...
The Leading Edge 28 (1), 24-27, 2009
Seismic attenuation in porous rocks with random patchy saturation
J Toms, TM Müller, B Gurevich
Geophysical Prospecting 55 (5), 671-678, 2007
Seismic dispersion and attenuation in saturated porous rocks with aligned fractures of finite thickness: Theory and numerical simulations—Part 1: P-wave perpendicular to the …
J Guo, J Germán Rubino, ND Barbosa, S Glubokovskikh, B Gurevich
Geophysics 83 (1), WA49-WA62, 2018
A generalized Biot–Gassmann model for the acoustic properties of shaley sandstones1
JM Carcione, B Gurevich, F Cavallini
Geophysical Prospecting 48 (3), 539-557, 2000
Effect of CT image size and resolution on the accuracy of rock property estimates
Y Bazaikin, B Gurevich, S Iglauer, T Khachkova, D Kolyukhin, M Lebedev, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (5), 3635-3647, 2017
Ultrasonic moduli for fluid-saturated rocks: Mavko-Jizba relations rederived and generalized
B Gurevich, D Makarynska, M Pervukhina
Geophysics 74 (4), N25-N30, 2009
Differential form and numerical implementation of Biot’s poroelasticity equations with squirt dissipation
JM Carcione, B Gurevich
Geophysics 76 (6), N55-N64, 2011
4D surface seismic tracks small supercritical CO2 injection into the subsurface: CO2CRC Otway Project
R Pevzner, M Urosevic, D Popik, V Shulakova, K Tertyshnikov, E Caspari, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 63, 150-157, 2017
Applicability of velocity—stress relationships based on the dual porosity concept to isotropic porous rocks
M Pervukhina, B Gurevich, DN Dewhurst, AF Siggins
Geophysical Journal International 181 (3), 1473-1479, 2010
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