Alexey Umnov
Alexey Umnov
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Prediction of retweet cascade size over time
A Kupavskii, L Ostroumova, A Umnov, S Usachev, P Serdyukov, G Gusev, ...
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and …, 2012
Predictive model for bottomhole pressure based on machine learning
P Spesivtsev, K Sinkov, I Sofronov, A Zimina, A Umnov, R Yarullin, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 166, 825-841, 2018
Predicting the audience size of a tweet
A Kupavskii, A Umnov, G Gusev, P Serdyukov
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 7 …, 2013
Image warping in dermatological image hair removal
A Nasonova, A Nasonov, A Krylov, I Pechenko, A Umnov, N Makhneva
Image Analysis and Recognition: 11th International Conference, ICIAR 2014 …, 2014
Ringing artifact suppression using sparse representation
AV Umnov, AS Krylov, AV Nasonov
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 16th International …, 2015
Sparse method for ringing artifact detection
AV Umnov, AV Nasonov, AS Krylov, D Yong
2014 12th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), 662-667, 2014
Sparse approach to image ringing detection and suppression
AV Umnov, AS Krylov
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 27, 754-762, 2017
Research of sparse representation method for ringing suppression
AV Umnov, AS Krylov
Computer Optics 40 (6), 895-903, 2016
Influence of Gibbs phenomenon on the mutual coherence in sparse representations
AS Krylov, AV Umnov
Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics 40 (4), 155-160, 2016
of sparse representation method for ringing suppression
AV Umnov, AS Krylov
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Articles 1–10