Wim Kotterman
Wim Kotterman
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institut für Informationstechnik
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Cable-less measurement set-up for wireless handheld terminals
WA Kotterman, GF Pedersen, K Olesen, P Eggers
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2001 12th IEEE …, 2001
60 GHz time-variant shadowing characterization within an Airbus 340
AP Garcia, W Kotterman, U Trautwein, D Bruckner, J Kunisch, RS Thoma
Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2010 Proceedings of the Fourth European …, 2010
On the influence of incomplete data models on estimated angular distributions in channel characterisation
M Landmann, W Kotterman, RS Thoma
IET Digital Library, 2007
60 GHz in-cabin real-time channel sounding
AP Garcia, W Kotterman, RS Thoma, U Trautwein, D Bruckner, ...
Communications and Networking in China, 2009. ChinaCOM 2009. Fourth …, 2009
GHz in-cabin real-time channel sounding
AP Garcia, W Kotterman, RS Thomä, U Trautwein, D Brückner, ...
3rd International Workshop on Broadband MIMO Channel Measurement and …, 2009
Over-The-Air Testing of Cognitive Radio Nodes in a Virtual Electromagnetic Environment
RK Sharma, W Kotterman, MH Landmann, C Schirmer, C Schneider, ...
60 GHz-Ultrawideband Real-Time Multi-Antenna Channel Sounding for Multi Giga-Bit/s Access
APG Ariza, W Kotterman, R Zetik, M Kmec, R Müller, F Wollenschläger, ...
Vehicular Technology Conference Fall (VTC 2010-Fall), 2010 IEEE 72nd, 1-6, 2010
GHz-ultrawideband real-time multi-antenna channel sounding for multi giga-bit/s access
AP Garcia, W Kotterman, R Zetik, M Kmec, R Müller, F Wollenschläger, ...
IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall 2010), 1-6, 60
Solving the problem of choosing the right MIMO measurement antenna: Embedding/De-Embedding
M Kaske, C Schneider, W Kotterman, R Thoma
Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Proceedings of the 5th European Conference …, 2011
Diversity properties of multiantenna small handheld terminals
WAT Kotterman, GF Pedersen, K Olesen
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2004, 1340-1353, 2004
Capacity of the mobile MIMO channel for a small wireless handset and user influence
WAT Kotterman, GF Pedersen, K Olesen
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2002. The 13th IEEE …, 2002
Over-the-air test strategy and testbed for cognitive radio nodes
A Krah, M Grimm, N Murtaza, W Kotterman, M Landmann, A Heuberger, ...
General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI, 1-4, 2011
On diffuse and non-resolved multipath components in directional channel characterisation
W Kotterman, M Landmann, G Sommerkorn, R Thomä
XXVIIIth General Assembly of URSI, New Delhi, India, 2005
Correlation properties for radio channels from multiple base stations to two antennas on a small handheld terminal
WAT Kotterman, GF Pedersen, K Olesen, P Eggers
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2002. Proceedings. VTC 2002-Fall. 2002 IEEE …, 2002
Channel measurement set-up for multi antenna handheld terminal and multiple (interfering) base stations
WAT Kotterman, R Prasad, K Olesen, PCF Eggers, IZ Kovacs, ...
Channel Measurement Set-Up for Multi Antenna Handheld Terminal and Multiple …, 2001
Increasing the volume of test zones in anechoic chamber MIMO Over-the-Air test set-ups
W Kotterman
Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 2012 International Symposium on, 786-789, 2012
Power ratios and distributions in indoor NLOS channels for dual-polarized 2 x 2 MIMO systems
W Kotterman, M Landmann, G Sommerkorn, R Thomä
Proc. NEWCOM-ACoRN Joint Workshop, 2006
Testing for Kronecker separability in measured channels
W Kotterman, RS Thoma
IET Digital Library, 2007
Investigation on the influence of large buildings on the propagation of radio waves
WAT Kotterman, A Mawira, GJC Verhoef
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 1994. Wireless Networks …, 1994
Characterisation of mobile radio channels for small multiantenna terminals
WAT Kotterman
Videnbasen for Aalborg UniversitetVBN, Aalborg UniversitetAalborg University …, 0
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Articles 1–20