Chi-Hua Chen
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Gut microbiome-based metagenomic signature for non-invasive detection of advanced fibrosis in human nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
R Loomba, V Seguritan, W Li, T Long, N Klitgord, A Bhatt, PS Dulai, ...
Cell metabolism 25 (5), 1054-1062. e5, 2017
Neurocognitive endophenotypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder
L Menzies, S Achard, SR Chamberlain, N Fineberg, CH Chen, ...
Brain 130 (12), 3223-3236, 2007
A quantitative meta‐analysis of fMRI studies in bipolar disorder
CH Chen, J Suckling, BR Lennox, C Ooi, ET Bullmore
Bipolar disorders 13 (1), 1-15, 2011
Genome-wide analyses for personality traits identify six genomic loci and show correlations with psychiatric disorders
MT Lo, DA Hinds, JY Tung, C Franz, CC Fan, Y Wang, OB Smeland, ...
Nature genetics 49 (1), 152-156, 2017
Genetic assessment of age-associated Alzheimer disease risk: Development and validation of a polygenic hazard score
RS Desikan, CC Fan, Y Wang, AJ Schork, HJ Cabral, LA Cupples, ...
PLoS medicine 14 (3), e1002258, 2017
Heritability of hepatic fibrosis and steatosis based on a prospective twin study
R Loomba, N Schork, CH Chen, R Bettencourt, A Bhatt, B Ang, P Nguyen, ...
Gastroenterology 149 (7), 1784-1793, 2015
Brain imaging correlates of depressive symptom severity and predictors of symptom improvement after antidepressant treatment
CH Chen, K Ridler, J Suckling, S Williams, CHY Fu, E Merlo-Pich, ...
Biological psychiatry 62 (5), 407-414, 2007
Improved detection of common variants associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder using pleiotropy-informed conditional false discovery rate
OA Andreassen, WK Thompson, AJ Schork, S Ripke, M Mattingsdal, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (4), e1003455, 2013
Hierarchical genetic organization of human cortical surface area
CH Chen, ED Gutierrez, W Thompson, MS Panizzon, TL Jernigan, ...
Science 335 (6076), 1634-1636, 2012
Explicit and implicit facial affect recognition in manic and depressed states of bipolar disorder: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
CH Chen, B Lennox, R Jacob, A Calder, V Lupson, ...
Biological psychiatry 59 (1), 31-39, 2006
Development and aging of cortical thickness correspond to genetic organization patterns
AM Fjell, H Grydeland, SK Krogsrud, I Amlien, DA Rohani, L Ferschmann, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (50), 15462-15467, 2015
The genetics of human personality
S Sanchez‐Roige, JC Gray, J MacKillop, CH Chen, AA Palmer
Genes, Brain and Behavior 17 (3), e12439, 2018
Functional coupling of the amygdala in depressed patients treated with antidepressant medication
CH Chen, J Suckling, C Ooi, CHY Fu, SCR Williams, ND Walsh, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 33 (8), 1909-1918, 2008
Genetic topography of brain morphology
CH Chen, M Fiecas, ED Gutiérrez, MS Panizzon, LT Eyler, E Vuoksimaa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (42), 17089-17094, 2013
Link between gut‐microbiome derived metabolite and shared gene‐effects with hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in NAFLD
C Caussy, C Hsu, MT Lo, A Liu, R Bettencourt, VH Ajmera, S Bassirian, ...
Hepatology 68 (3), 918-932, 2018
Genetic overlap between Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease at the MAPT locus
RS Desikan, AJ Schork, Y Wang, A Witoelar, M Sharma, LK McEvoy, ...
Molecular psychiatry 20 (12), 1588-1595, 2015
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with cirrhosis increases familial risk for advanced fibrosis
C Caussy, M Soni, J Cui, R Bettencourt, N Schork, CH Chen, M Al Ikhwan, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 127 (7), 2697-2704, 2017
Association between genetic traits for immune-mediated diseases and Alzheimer disease
JS Yokoyama, Y Wang, AJ Schork, WK Thompson, CM Karch, ...
JAMA neurology 73 (6), 691-697, 2016
Polygenic overlap between C-reactive protein, plasma lipids, and Alzheimer disease
RS Desikan, AJ Schork, Y Wang, WK Thompson, A Dehghan, PM Ridker, ...
Circulation 131 (23), 2061-2069, 2015
A comparison of heritability maps of cortical surface area and thickness and the influence of adjustment for whole brain measures: a magnetic resonance imaging twin study
LT Eyler, CH Chen, MS Panizzon, C Fennema-Notestine, MC Neale, ...
Twin Research and Human Genetics 15 (3), 304-314, 2012
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Articles 1–20