Andrii Fedotchenko (Федотченко А.В.)
Andrii Fedotchenko (Федотченко А.В.)
Zeisigwaldkliniken Bethanien Chemnitz
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Application of lectinhistochemistry to study the formation and reactivity of the marginal transitional zone of the joint capsule.
MAV Andrii V. Fedotchenko
Zaporozhye medical journal 2016;, 78–83, 2016
Distribution of wheat germ agglutinin in the normal articular cartilage of the hip joint during the postnatal period
A Fedotchenko
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 32, S391-S392, 2024
E71 Distribution of cells and extracellular matrix in the normal marginal synovium of the hip joint capsule during the postnatal period
A Fedotchenko
Rheumatology 62 (Supplement_3), kead323. 071, 2023
Distribution of cells in the normal marginal synovium during the postnatal period
A Fedotchenko
Osteologie 32 (03), P 24, 2023
Fedotchenko A. Distribution of cells in the normal marginal synovium during the postnatal period. Osteologie 2023; 32: S1–34. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1769669
F A.
Osteologie 2023; 32: S1–34. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1769669 https://www …, 2023
Comparative analysis of the distribution of lymphocytes, macrophages and mast cells in the marginal synovium and joint capsule in general after antenatal antigenic stimulation
A Fedotchenko
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. June 2022;81(Suppl 1) DOI: 10.1136 …, 2022
Some aspects of morphogenesis of the marginal transitional zone of the rat hip joint during the postnatal period.
A Fedotchenko
https://www.researchgate.net/publication …, 2022
Morphological substantiation of the potential development of connective tissue disorders and skeletal disproportions after antenatal antigenic stimulation.
A Fedotchenko
Osteologie 2022; 31(03): 224-225 DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1755902, 2022
Anent the participation of the liver in haematopoiesis
AVF A. Yu. Titkova, N. G. Lebedinets N. G.
Сучасні погляди на актуальні питання теоретичної, експериментальної та …, 2016
Some aspects of the orbit sizes in adults
VK Kandybey, OP Grebenchuk, NG Lebedinets, AV Fedotchenko
Полтава: Астрая, 2016
Some features of the orbit sizes in adults
AVF O. P. Grebenchuk, V. K. Kandibey, N. G. Lebedinets
Матеріали Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. Здоров’я людини: теоретичні, практичні …, 2016
Some features of the optic canal in adults
AVF V. K. Kandibey, O. P. Grebenchuk O.P., N. G. Lebedinets
Матеріали Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. Здоров"я людини..., 157-158, 2016
Применение лектиновой гистохимии для изучения формирования и реактивности переходной зоны капсулы сустава
AV Fedotchenko, MA Voloshyn
Zaporozhye мedical journal, 2016
Application of lectinhistochemistry to study the morphology and reactivity of the articular cartilage
AVFMA Voloshyn
Pain. Joints. Spine. Proceedings of the II International Symposium. Bone …, 2016
Anent the structure of the articular surface
AVF M.A. Voloshyn, O.A. Grigorieva
Pain. Joints. Spine. Proceedings of the II International Symposium. Bone …, 2016
Проблеми адаптації іноземних студентів при вивченні анатомії людини
АВФ О. А. Апт, М. Г. Лебединець, А. О. Світлицький, С. В. Чугін
Матеріали Х ювілейної Всеукраїнської навчально-наукової конференції з …, 2013
of the marginal transitional zone of the joint capsule
AV Fedotchenko, MA Voloshyn
Fedotchenko A. Distribution of fibroblasts and fibrocytes in the joint capsule during the postnatal period in norm and after antenatal antigenic stimulation. Rheumatologia 2022 …
SRAB Conference: The Central European Congress of Rheumatology, CECR 2022, 1 ...
https://www.researchgate.net/publication …, 0
Fedotchenko A. Distribution of collagen and elastic fibers in the marginal synovium and joint capsule after antenatal antigenic stimulation. International Journal of Rheumatic …
Fedotchenko A. Immune-mediated arthritis: is there any way for experimental modeling of its premorbid conditions and detection of compensatory mechanisms in the joint during …
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