Joanne Sneddon
Joanne Sneddon
Senior Lecturer, Marketing and Researcher at the Centre for Human and Cultural Values
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Cited by
Visitors' values and environmental learning outcomes at wildlife attractions: Implications for interpretive practice
R Ballantyne, K Hughes, J Lee, J Packer, J Sneddon
Tourism Management 64, 190-201, 2018
Testing and extending Schwartz refined value theory using a best–worst scaling approach
JA Lee, JN Sneddon, TM Daly, SH Schwartz, GN Soutar, JJ Louviere
Assessment 26 (2), 166-180, 2019
Young Australian consumers’ preferences for fashion apparel attributes
K Jegethesan, JN Sneddon, GN Soutar
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal 16 (3 …, 2012
Killing sharks: The media’s role in public and political response to fatal human–shark interactions
C McCagh, J Sneddon, D Blache
Marine Policy 62, 271-278, 2015
Converting the maybes: Crucial for a successful COVID-19 vaccination strategy
K Attwell, J Lake, J Sneddon, P Gerrans, C Blyth, J Lee
PLoS One 16 (1), e0245907, 2021
Traceability systems in the Western Australia halal food supply chain
D Poniman, S Purchase, J Sneddon
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 27 (2), 324-348, 2015
Understanding potential and repeat visitors’ travel intentions: the roles of travel motivations, destination image, and visitor image congruity
D Maghrifani, F Liu, J Sneddon
Journal of Travel Research 61 (5), 1121-1137, 2022
Are value–behavior relations stronger than previously thought? It depends on value importance
JA Lee, A Bardi, P Gerrans, J Sneddon, H Van Herk, U Evers, S Schwartz
European journal of personality 36 (2), 133-148, 2022
Exploring materialism and frugality in determining product end‐use consumption behaviors
U Evers, RL Gruner, J Sneddon, JA Lee
Psychology & Marketing 35 (12), 948-956, 2018
The relations between values and prosocial behavior among children: The moderating role of age
M Benish-Weisman, E Daniel, J Sneddon, J Lee
Personality and Individual Differences 141, 241-247, 2019
Personal values and the theory of planned behaviour: A study of values and holiday trade-offs in young adults
S Ye, GN Soutar, JN Sneddon, JA Lee
Tourism Management 62, 107-109, 2017
Examining the consistency and coherence of values in young children using a new Animated Values Instrument
PR Collins, JA Lee, JN Sneddon, AK Döring
Personality and Individual Differences 104, 279-285, 2017
Personal values and choice of charitable cause: An exploration of donors’ giving behavior
JN Sneddon, U Evers, JA Lee
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 49 (4), 803-826, 2020
Does the intra-individual structure of values exist in young children?
JA Lee, S Ye, JN Sneddon, PR Collins, E Daniel
Personality and Individual Differences 110, 125-130, 2017
Mulesing and animal ethics
J Sneddon, B Rollin
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23, 371-386, 2010
Modelling the faddish, fashionable and efficient diffusion of agricultural technologies: A case study of the diffusion of wool testing technology in Australia
J Sneddon, G Soutar, T Mazzarol
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78 (3), 468-480, 2011
Facilitating zoo/aquarium visitors' adoption of environmentally sustainable behaviour: Developing a values-based interpretation matrix
R Ballantyne, K Hughes, J Lee, J Packer, J Sneddon
Tourism Management 84, 104243, 2021
Exploring wool apparel consumers’ ethical concerns and preferences
JN Sneddon, GN Soutar, JA Lee
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 18 (2), 169-186, 2014
Producers have a positive attitude toward improving lamb survival rates but may be influenced by enterprise factors and perceptions of control
J Elliott, J Sneddon, JA Lee, D Blache
Livestock Science 140 (1-3), 103-110, 2011
Personal values and SME innovation in a Muslim ethnic group in Indonesia
D Games, G Soutar, J Sneddon
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 13 (5), 1012-1032, 2021
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Articles 1–20