Igor Florinsky | И.В. Флоринский
Igor Florinsky | И.В. Флоринский
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS
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Digital Terrain Analysis in Soil Science and Geology
IV Florinsky
Elsevier / Academic Press, 2012
Prediction of soil properties by digital terrain modelling
IV Florinsky, RG Eilers, GR Manning, LG Fuller
Environmental Modelling & Software 17 (3), 295-311, 2002
Accuracy of local topographic variables derived from digital elevation models
IV Florinsky
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 12 (1), 47-61, 1998
Combined analysis of digital terrain models and remotely sensed data in landscape investigations
IV Florinsky
Progress in Physical Geography 22 (1), 33-60, 1998
Influence of topography on some vegetation cover properties
IV Florinsky, GA Kuryakova
Catena 27 (2), 123-141, 1996
Digital elevation models: Terminology and definitions
PL Guth, A Van Niekerk, CH Grohmann, JP Muller, L Hawker, IV Florinsky, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (18), 3581, 2021
Determination of grid size for digital terrain modelling in landscape investigations — Exemplified by soil moisture distribution at a micro-scale
IV Florinsky, GA Kuryakova
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 14 (8), 815-832, 2000
An illustrated introduction to general geomorphometry
IV Florinsky
Progress in Physical Geography 41 (6), 723-752, 2017
Topographic control of soil microbial activity: A case study of denitrifiers
IV Florinsky, S McMahon, DL Burton
Geoderma 119 (1-2), 33-53, 2004
Errors of signal processing in digital terrain modelling
IV Florinsky
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 16 (5), 475-501, 2002
Comparative accuracy of the AW3D30 DSM, ASTER GDEM, and SRTM1 DEM: A case study on the Zaoksky testing ground, Central European Russia
IV Florinsky, TN Skrypitsyna, OS Luschikova
Remote Sensing Letters 9 (7), 706-714, 2018
The Dokuchaev hypothesis as a basis for predictive digital soil mapping (on the 125th anniversary of its publication)
IV Florinsky
Eurasian Soil Science 45 (4), 445-451, 2012
Computation of the third-order partial derivatives from a digital elevation model
IV Florinsky
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 23 (2), 213-231, 2009
Derivation of topographic variables from a digital elevation model given by a spheroidal trapezoidal grid
IV Florinsky
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 12 (8), 829-852, 1998
Relationships between topographically expressed zones of flow accumulation and sites of fault intersection: Analysis by means of digital terrain modelling
IV Florinsky
Environmental Modelling & Software 15 (1), 87-100, 2000
Quantitative topographic method of fault morphology recognition
IV Florinsky
Geomorphology 16 (2), 103-119, 1996
Filtering of digital terrain models by two-dimensional singular spectrum analysis
NE Golyandina, KD Usevich, IV Florinsky
International Journal of Ecology & Development 8 (F07), 81-94, 2007
Topographic influence on the variability of soil properties within an undulating Manitoba landscape
G Manning, LG Fuller, RG Eilers, I Florinsky
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 81 (4), 439-447, 2001
Quantitative topographic analysis of gilgai soil morphology
IV Florinsky, HA Arlashina
Geoderma 82 (4), 359-380, 1998
О международном опыте применения методов топографии в ландшафтных исследованиях (краткий обзор)
ПА Шарый, ГА Курякова, ИВ Флоринский
Геометрия структур земной поверхности, 15-29, 1991
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Articles 1–20