professor da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense do curso de Engenharia Química
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Lightweight concrete production with low Portland cement consumption
F Pelisser, A Barcelos, D Santos, M Peterson, AM Bernardin
Journal of Cleaner Production 23 (1), 68-74, 2012
Inorganic pigments made from the recycling of coal mine drainage treatment sludge
RR Marcello, S Galato, M Peterson, HG Riella, AM Bernardin
Journal of environmental management 88 (4), 1280-1284, 2008
CeO2/TiO2 nanostructures enhance adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of organic compounds in aqueous suspension
GB Vieira, HJ José, M Peterson, VZ Baldissarelli, P Alvarez, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 353, 325-336, 2018
Beneficiation of pyrite from coal mining
CM Oliveira, CM Machado, GW Duarte, M Peterson
Journal of Cleaner Production 139, 821-827, 2016
Application of brewing waste as biosorbent for the removal of metallic ions present in groundwater and surface waters from coal regions
IB Fontana, M Peterson, MAP Cechinel
Journal of environmental chemical engineering 6 (1), 660-670, 2018
Produção de sulfato ferroso a partir da pirita: desenvolvimento sustentável
M Peterson
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós …, 2008
Tuning the photoactivity of TiO2 nanoarchitectures doped with cerium or neodymium and application to colour removal from wastewaters
GB Vieira, G Scaratti, FS Rodembusch, SM De Amorim, M Peterson, ...
Environmental Technology 42 (7), 1038-1052, 2021
Characterization and use of clays and argillites from the south of Santa Catarina State, Brazil, for the manufacture of clay ceramics
A Zaccaron, V de Souza Nandi, M Dal Bó, M Peterson, E Angioletto, ...
Clay Minerals 55 (2), 172-183, 2020
Production of metakaolin from industrial cellulose waste
CR Melo, E Angioletto, HG Riella, M Peterson, MR Rocha, AR Melo, ...
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 109 (3), 1341-1345, 2012
Production and characterization of high-reactivity metakaolins calcined in flash reactor
JM Inocente, F Elyseu, LJJ Nieves, J Jiusti, M Cargnin, M Peterson
Applied Clay Science 213, 106247, 2021
Application of glass particles doped by Zn+ 2 as an antimicrobial and atoxic compound in LLDPE and HDPE
MF Santos, C Machado, CG Tachinski, JF Júnior, R Piletti, M Peterson, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 39, 403-410, 2014
Syngas production by dry reforming of methane using lyophilized nickel catalysts
CD Moura-Nickel, CG Tachinski, R Landers, ADN Junior, E Virmond, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 205, 74-82, 2019
Polyaniline synthesis using hydrofluoric acid as doping agent: comparative evaluation with polyaniline doped with sulfuric acid
FZ Silveira, GW Duarte, CG Tachinski, R Piletti, J Fiori Jr, M Peterson, ...
Journal of applied polymer science 128 (1), 430-435, 2013
Evaluation of the steger method in the determination of ceramic-glaze joining
M Peterson, AM Bernardin, NC Kuhnen, HG Riella
Materials Science and Engineering: A 466 (1-2), 183-186, 2007
Estudo do comportamento e caracterização de argilas bentoníticas após processo de liofilização
MCP Machado, JT Langbehn, CM Oliveira, F Elyseu, M Cargnin, ...
Cerâmica 64 (370), 207-213, 2018
Characterization and use of clays from the Rio Bonito Formation/Paraná Basin for ceramic industry application
AB Comin, A Zaccaron, VS Nandi, JM Inocente, TG Muller, M Peterson
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 18 (5), 1814-1824, 2021
Adsorption of aflatoxin B1 mycotoxins by raw and lyophilized bentonitic clay
PS Bettiol, MAP Cechinel, CM Oliveira, K Goulart, AG Dol-Bó, ...
Advanced Powder Technology 33 (8), 103682, 2022
Additional high‐energy milling to enhance the performance of porcelain stoneware manufacturing
RD Darolt, M Cargnin, M Peterson, A De Noni Jr
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 17 (4), 1742-1751, 2020
Valorization of iron pyrite from coal mining in southern Brazil
CM de Oliveira, TG Mueller, LP Ferreira, MAP Cechinel, M Peterson, ...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (1), 102931, 2019
Kinetics of the oxidation reactions and decomposition of pyrite
PH Concer, CM Oliveira, ORK Montedo, E Angioletto, M Peterson, ...
Cerâmica 63 (365), 39-43, 2017
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