Frank Ferrese
Frank Ferrese
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Cited by
Online optimal generation control based on constrained distributed gradient algorithm
W Zhang, W Liu, X Wang, L Liu, F Ferrese
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (1), 35-45, 2014
Synchrony in networked microgrids under attacks
S Abhinav, H Modares, FL Lewis, F Ferrese, A Davoudi
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (6), 6731-6741, 2017
Multiagent-based reinforcement learning for optimal reactive power dispatch
Y Xu, W Zhang, W Liu, F Ferrese
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2012
Distributed subgradient-based coordination of multiple renewable generators in a microgrid
Y Xu, W Zhang, W Liu, X Wang, F Ferrese, C Zang, H Yu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (1), 23-33, 2013
Resilient and robust synchronization of multiagent systems under attacks on sensors and actuators
H Modares, B Kiumarsi, FL Lewis, F Ferrese, A Davoudi
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (3), 1240-1250, 2019
Distributed multiple agent system based online optimal reactive power control for smart grids
W Zhang, W Liu, X Wang, L Liu, F Ferrese
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (5), 2421-2431, 2014
Fully distributed coordination of multiple DFIGs in a microgrid for load sharing
W Zhang, Y Xu, W Liu, F Ferrese, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (2), 806-815, 2013
Optimization-based AC microgrid synchronization
S Abhinav, ID Schizas, F Ferrese, A Davoudi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (5), 2339-2349, 2017
Performance analysis of mobile agent-based wireless sensor network
L Bai, F Ferrese, K Ploskina, S Biswas
2009 8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety …, 2009
A control system test bed for demonstration of distributed computational intelligence applied to reconfi guring heterogeneous systems
SK Srivastava, DA Cartes, F Maturana, F Ferrese, M Pekala, M Zink, ...
IEEE instrumentation & measurement magazine 11 (1), 30-37, 2008
Thermal management smart valve with rupture detection and isolation
DR Longo, DD Dalessandro, Q Dong, FT Ferrese, JM Roach, MG Zink
US Patent 8,600,566, 2013
Market-based resource allocation for distributed data processing in wireless sensor networks
AT Zimmerman, JP Lynch, FT Ferrese
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 12 (3), 1-28, 2013
A BDI multi-agent approach for power restoration
Q Ren, L Bai, S Biswas, F Ferrese, Q Dong
2014 7th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS), 1-6, 2014
Evaluation framework for power and energy management shipboard distribution controls
K Schoder, M Stanovich, T Vu, H Vahedi, C Edrington, M Steurer, H Ginn, ...
2017 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS), 388-393, 2017
Market-based computational task assignment within autonomous wireless sensor networks
AT Zimmerman, JP Lynch, FT Ferrese
2009 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, 23-28, 2009
Power converter metamodeling approach for the smart ship design environment
R Cuzner, S Cruz, F Ferrese, R Hosseini
2017 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS), 118-125, 2017
Resilient consensus control for linear systems in a noisy environment
S Biswas, F Ferrese, Q Dong, L Bai
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 5862-5867, 2012
Cooperative federated multi-agent control of large-scale systems
Q Dong, K Bradshaw, F Ferrese, L Bai, S Biswas
ACTA control and applications conference, 462-467, 2011
Adversary dynamics and smart grid security: A multiagent system approach
A Rege, F Ferrese, S Biswas, L Bai
2014 7th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS), 1-7, 2014
Decentralized control of coupled nonlinear dynamic systems with application to quadruple-tank process
F Ferrese, Q Dong, S Biswas, J Batcho
IECON 2014-40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2014
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Articles 1–20