Mirko Conrad
Mirko Conrad
samoconsult GmbH, TU Dresden, TU München
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Testing embedded software
B Broekman, E Notenboom
Pearson Education, 2003
Automotive embedded systems handbook
N Navet, F Simonot-Lion
CRC press, 2008
Test case design based on Z and the classification-tree method
H Singh, M Conrad, S Sadeghipour
First IEEE International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 81-90, 1997
Systematic testing of model-based code generators
I Stürmer, M Conrad, H Doerr, P Pepper
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (9), 622-634, 2007
Model-based testing of embedded automotive software using MTest
K Lamberg, M Beine, M Eschmann, R Otterbach, M Conrad, I Fey
SAE transactions, 132-140, 2004
Overview of existing safeguarding techniques for automatically generated code
I Stürmer, D Weinberg, M Conrad
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30 (4), 1-6, 2005
Systematic model-based testing of embedded automotive software
M Conrad, I Fey, S Sadeghipour
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 111, 13-26, 2005
Test suite design for code generation tools
I Sturmer, M Conrad
18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2003 …, 2003
Verification of computer-executable code generated from a slice of a model
M Conrad, X Lin, J Yan, P Szpak, AR Nirakh, J Shankar
US Patent 8,856,726, 2014
Modell-basierter Test eingebetteter Software im Automobil: Auswahl und Beschreibung von Testszenarien
M Conrad
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Verification of computer-executable code generated from a model
M Conrad, X Lin, J Yan, P Szpak, AR Nirakh, J Shankar
US Patent App. 13/250,590, 2012
Using intermediate representations to verify computer-executable code generated from a model
M Conrad, X Lin, J Yan, P Szpak, AR Nirakh, J Shankar
US Patent 8,869,103, 2014
Verification of computer-executable code generated from a model
M Conrad, X Lin, J Yan, P Szpak, M Wnglehart, AR Nirakh, J Shankar
US Patent App. 13/250,577, 2012
The interplay between model coverage and code coverage
A Baresel, M Conrad, S Sadeghipour, J Wegener
Proc. EuroCAST, 136-190, 2003
Testing-based translation validation of generated code in the context of IEC 61508
M Conrad
Formal Methods in System Design 35 (3), 389-401, 2009
A systematic approach to testing automotive control software
M Conrad
SAE Technical Paper, 2004
Model-based generation and structured representation of test scenarios
M Conrad, H Dörr, I Fey, A Yap
Proceedings of the Workshop on Software-Embedded Systems Testing …, 1999
Mapping between code coverage and model coverage for a design
WJ Aldrich, M Conrad
US Patent 8,234,105, 2012
Verification and validation according to iso 26262: A workflow to facilitate the development of high-integrity software
M Conrad
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS2012), 2012
Experiences with model and autocode reviews in model-based software development
I Stürmer, M Conrad, I Fey, H Dörr
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Software engineering for …, 2006
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Articles 1–20