Stochastic synchronization of oscillation in dissipative systems VS Afraimovich, NN Verichev, MI Rabinovich Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 29 (9), 795-803, 1986 | 643 | 1986 |
On the origin and structure of the Lorenz attractor VS Afraimovich, VV Bykov, LP Shilnikov Akademiia Nauk SSSR Doklady 234, 336-339, 1977 | 463* | 1977 |
Transient cognitive dynamics, metastability, and decision making MI Rabinovich, R Huerta, P Varona, VS Afraimovich PLoS computational biology 4 (5), e1000072, 2008 | 416 | 2008 |
Dynamical systems V: bifurcation theory and catastrophe theory VI Arnold, VS Afrajmovich, YS Il'yashenko, LP Shil'nikov Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 414 | 2013 |
Invariant two-dimensional tori, their breakdown and stochasticity VS Afraimovich, LP Shilnikov Amer. Math. Soc. Transl 149 (2), 201-212, 1991 | 241 | 1991 |
Stochastic synchronization of oscillations in dissipative systems VS Afraimovich, NN Verichev, MI Rabinovich Radiofizika 29 (9), 1050-1060, 1986 | 237 | 1986 |
Strange attractors and quasi attractors VS Afraimovich Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics, 1133, 1984 | 218 | 1984 |
Lectures on chaotic dynamical systems VS Afraĭmovich, SB Hsu American Mathematical Soc., 2003 | 216 | 2003 |
Heteroclinic contours in neural ensembles and the winnerless competition principle VS Afraimovich, MI Rabinovich, P Varona International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 14 (04), 1195-1208, 2004 | 192 | 2004 |
On the origin of reproducible sequential activity in neural circuits VS Afraimovich, VP Zhigulin, MI Rabinovich Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 14 (4), 1123-1129, 2004 | 189 | 2004 |
Stability, structures and chaos in nonlinear synchronization networks VS Afraimovich, VI Nekorkin, GV Osipov, VD Shalfeev World Scientific, 1995 | 182 | 1995 |
On structurally unstable attracting limit sets of Lorenz attractor type VS Afraimovich Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. 44, 153-216, 1983 | 150 | 1983 |
Information flow dynamics in the brain MI Rabinovich, VS Afraimovich, C Bick, P Varona Physics of life reviews 9 (1), 51-73, 2012 | 145 | 2012 |
Attractive nonrough limit sets of Lorenz-attractor type VS Afraimovich, VV Bykov, LP Shilnikov Trudy Moskovskoe Matematicheskoe Obshchestvo 44, 150-212, 1982 | 140 | 1982 |
Bifurcation theory VI Arnol'd, VS Afraimovich, YS Ilyashenko, LP Shilnikov Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Seriya" Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki. Fundamental …, 1986 | 131 | 1986 |
Chaos of traveling waves in a discrete chain of diffusively coupled maps VS Afraimovich, VI Nekorkin International Journal of bifurcation and chaos 4 (03), 631-637, 1994 | 126 | 1994 |
Chunking dynamics: heteroclinics in mind MI Rabinovich, P Varona, I Tristan, VS Afraimovich Frontiers in computational neuroscience 8, 22, 2014 | 117 | 2014 |
Synchronization in lattices of coupled oscillators VS Afraimovich, SN Chow, JK Hale Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 103 (1-4), 442-451, 1997 | 114 | 1997 |
Pesin's dimension for Poincare recurrences. V Afraimovich Chaos (Woodbury, NY) 7 (1), 12-20, 1997 | 111 | 1997 |
Long-range interactions, stochasticity and fractional dynamics: dedicated to George M. Zaslavsky (1935—2008) ACJ Luo, V Afraimovich Springer Science & Business Media, 2011 | 90 | 2011 |