Mohammad Khosravi
Mohammad Khosravi
Civil Engineering Department, Montana State University
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Dynamic centrifuge tests to evaluate reinforcing mechanisms of soil-cement columns in liquefiable sand
D Rayamajhi, S Tamura, M Khosravi, RW Boulanger, DW Wilson, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 141 (6), 04015015, 2015
Remediation of liquefaction effects for an embankment using soil-cement walls: Centrifuge and numerical modeling
RW Boulanger, M Khosravi, A Khosravi, DW Wilson
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 114, 38-50, 2018
Dynamic centrifuge tests of soft clay reinforced by soil–cement grids
M Khosravi, RW Boulanger, S Tamura, DW Wilson, CG Olgun, Y Wang
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 142 (7), 04016027, 2016
Variation of small-strain shear modulus of unsaturated silt under successive cycles of drying and wetting
A Khosravi, A Hashemi, S Ghadirianniari, M Khosravi
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146 (7), 04020050, 2020
Effect of fast shearing on the residual shear strengths measured along pre-existing shear surfaces in kaolinite
M Khosravi, CL Meehan, DV Cacciola, A Khosravi
Geo-Congress 2013: Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments III …, 2013
Dynamic centrifuge tests of structures with shallow foundations on soft clay reinforced by soil-cement grids
M Khosravi, RW Boulanger, DW Wilson, CG Olgun, S Tamura, Y Wang
Soils and foundations 57 (4), 501-513, 2017
Monitoring field lift thickness using compaction equipment instrumented with global positioning system (GPS) technology
CL Meehan, M Khosravi, DV Cacciola
Geotechnical Testing Journal 36 (5), 1-13, 2013
Using Sentinel-2 data to estimate the concentration of heavy metals caused by industrial activities in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Northeastern Kazakhstan
S Felegari, A Sharifi, M Khosravi, S Sabanov, A Tariq, S Karuppannan
Heliyon 9 (11), 2023
Presentation of critical failure surface of slopes based on the finite element technique
M Khosravi, M Khabbazian
GeoCongress 2012: State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering …, 2012
An evaluation of specification methodologies for use with continuous compaction control equipment
DV Cacciola, CL Meehan, M Khosravi
Geo-Congress 2013: Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments III …, 2013
Stability analysis of seismically loaded slopes using finite element techniques
M Khosravi, D Leshchinsky, CL Meehan, A Khosravi
Geo-Congress 2013: Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments III …, 2013
Stochastic slope stability analysis of an embankment supported by isolated soil–cement columns considering spatial variability
S Zaregarizi, M Khosravi, E Coldwell, J Montgomery
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 147 (4), 04021009, 2021
Stress transfer from rocking shallow foundations on soil-cement reinforced clay
M Khosravi, RW Boulanger, DW Wilson, CG Olgun, L Shao, S Tamura
Soils and Foundations 59 (4), 966-981, 2019
Liquefaction evaluation for an interbedded soil deposit: St. Teresa's School, Christchurch, New Zealand
RW Boulanger, M Khosravi, BR Cox, JT DeJong
International Conference on Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering 2018 …, 2018
Evaluation of cyclic shear stress-strain using inverse analysis techniques in dynamic centrifuge tests
W Yong-zhi, DW Wilson, M Khosravi, Y Xiao-ming, CG Olgum
Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 38 (2), 271-277, 2016
The effect of asperity inclination and orientation on the shear behavior of rock joints
A Khosravi, MH Sadaghiani, M Khosravi, CL Meehan
Geotechnical Testing Journal 36 (3), 404-417, 2013
Using experimental models and Multi-Temporal Landsat-9 images for cadmium concentration mapping
S Felegari, A Sharifi, M Khosravi, S Sabanov
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023
Stability analysis of an embankment supported by spatially variable soil-cement columns
E Coldwell, M Khosravi, S Zaregarizi, S Perkins, J Montgomery
Geo-Congress 2020, 507-515, 2020
The hydro-mechanical behavior of infilled rock joints with fill materials in unsaturated conditions
A Khosravi, M Khosravi, CL Meehan
Geo-congress 2013: stability and performance of slopes and embankments III …, 2013
Dynamic Centrifuge Tests to Evaluate the Seismic Performance of an Embankment Resting on Liquefiable Ground Improved by Unreinforced and Reinforced Soil–Cement Columns
M Pourakbar, M Khosravi, A Soroush, WY Hung, KK Hoang, A Nabizadeh
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 148 (12), 04022106, 2022
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Articles 1–20