James D. Long
James D. Long
Other namesJames Long, J.D. Long
Professor of Political Science, University of Washington
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Cited by
Cited by
Violence and risk preference: Experimental evidence from Afghanistan
M Callen, M Isaqzadeh, JD Long, C Sprenger
American Economic Review 104 (1), 123-48, 2014
Institutional corruption and election fraud: Evidence from a field experiment in Afghanistan
M Callen, JD Long
American Economic Review 105 (1), 354-381, 2015
The presidential and parliamentary elections in Kenya, December 2007
CC Gibson, JD Long
Electoral studies 28 (3), 497-502, 2009
Parties, ethnicity, and voting in African elections
BD Hoffman, JD Long
Comparative Politics 45 (2), 127-146, 2013
The Global Study of International Relations: Hegemony, Diversity, or Insularity
JD Long, D Maliniak, S Peterson, MJ Tierney
Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, February, 2010
The logic of insurgent electoral violence
LN Condra, JD Long, AC Shaver, AL Wright
American Economic Review 108 (11), 3199-3231, 2018
Voting behavior and electoral irregularities in Kenya's 2013 Election
KE Ferree, CC Gibson, JD Long
Journal of Eastern African Studies 8 (1), 153-172, 2014
Income, occupation, and preferences for redistribution in the developing world
S Haggard, RR Kaufman, JD Long
Studies in Comparative International Development 48, 113-140, 2013
The political economy of reforms in Kenya: the post-2007 election violence and a new constitution
K Kanyinga, JD Long
African Studies Review 55 (1), 31-51, 2012
Evaluating the roles of ethnicity and performance in African elections: Evidence from an exit poll in Kenya
JD Long, CC Gibson
Political Research Quarterly 68 (4), 830-842, 2015
Kenya's 2013 elections: choosing peace over democracy
JD Long, K Kanyinga, KE Ferree, C Gibson
Journal of Democracy 24 (3), 140-155, 2013
Election Fairness and Government Legitimacy in Afghanistan
E Berman, MJ Callen, C Gibson, JD Long, A Rezaee
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019
Improving electoral integrity with information and communications technology
M Callen, CC Gibson, DF Jung, JD Long
Journal of Experimental Political Science 3 (1), 4-17, 2016
Gifts, threats, and perceptions of ballot secrecy in African elections
KE Ferree, JD Long
African Affairs 115 (461), 621-645, 2016
Strategic voting, information, and ethnicity in emerging democracies: Evidence from Kenya
J Horowitz, J Long
Electoral Studies 44, 351-361, 2016
Voting, fraud, and violence: political accountability in African elections
JD Long IV
University of California, San Diego, 2012
Was it Rigged? A Forensic Analysis of Vote Returns in Kenya's 2007 Elections
K Kanyinga, J Long, D Ndii
Tensions and Reversals in Democratic Transitions: The Kenya 2007 General …, 2010
African, religious, and tolerant? How religious diversity shapes attitudes toward sexual minorities in Africa
SK Dreier, JD Long, SJ Winkler
Politics and Religion 13 (2), 273-303, 2020
The ivory tower survey
PC Avey, MC Desch, JD Long, D Maliniak, S Peterson, MJ Tierney
Foreign Policy 191, 1-13, 2012
The double-edged sword of mobilizing citizens via mobile phone in developing countries
A Erlich, DF Jung, JD Long, C McIntosh
Development Engineering 3, 34-46, 2018
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Articles 1–20