Renata Guizzardi
Cited by
Cited by
Grounding software domain ontologies in the unified foundational ontology (ufo): the case of the ode software process ontology.
G Guizzardi, R de Almeida Falbo, RSS Guizzardi
CIbSE, 127-140, 2008
Towards ontological foundations for conceptual modeling: The unified foundational ontology (UFO) story
G Guizzardi, G Wagner, JPA Almeida, RSS Guizzardi
Applied ontology 10 (3-4), 259-271, 2015
Towards ontological foundations for the conceptual modeling of events
G Guizzardi, G Wagner, R de Almeida Falbo, RSS Guizzardi, ...
Conceptual Modeling: 32th International Conference, ER 2013, Hong-Kong …, 2013
Agent-oriented constructivist knowledge management
RSS Guizzardi
An ontology of online user feedback in software engineering
I Morales-Ramirez, A Perini, RSS Guizzardi
Applied Ontology 10 (3-4), 297-330, 2015
Non-functional requirements as qualities, with a spice of ontology
FL Li, J Horkoff, J Mylopoulos, RSS Guizzardi, G Guizzardi, A Borgida, ...
2014 IEEE 22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 293-302, 2014
Using goal modeling to capture competency questions in ontology-based systems
PCB Fernandes, RSS Guizzardi, G Guizzardi
Journal of Information and Data Management 2 (3), 527-527, 2011
A importância de Ontologias de Fundamentação para a Engenharia de Ontologias de Domínio: o caso do domínio de Processos de Software
G Guizzardi, RA Falbo, RSS Guizzardi
IEEE Latin America Transactions 6 (3), 244-251, 2008
Ontology-based transformation framework from TROPOS to AORML
RSS Guizzardi, G Guizzardi
An ontological interpretation of non-functional requirements
R Guizzardi, FL Li, A Borgida, G Guizzardi, J Horkoff, J Mylopoulos
Formal Ontology in Information Systems, 344-357, 2014
Towards a collaboration ontology
FF Oliveira, JCP Antunes, RSS Guizzardi
Proc. of the Snd Brazilian Workshop on Ontologies and Metamodels for …, 2007
Design patterns and inductive modeling rules to support the construction of ontologically well-founded conceptual models in OntoUML
G Guizzardi, AP das Graças, RSS Guizzardi
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2011 International …, 2011
COReS: Context-aware, Ontology-based Recommender system for Service recommendation
A Costa, R Guizzardi, G Guizzardi Filho
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on advanced information …, 2007
Ontological foundations for software requirements with a focus on requirements at runtime
BB Duarte, AL de Castro Leal, R de Almeida Falbo, G Guizzardi, ...
Applied Ontology 13 (2), 73-105, 2018
Semantic integration of goal and business process modeling
ECS Cardoso, PS Santos Jr, JPA Almeida, RSS Guizzardi, G Guizzardi
IFIP International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise …, 2010
Ethical requirements for AI systems
R Guizzardi, G Amaral, G Guizzardi, J Mylopoulos
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 33rd Canadian Conference on Artificial …, 2020
A method to align goals and business processes
R Guizzardi, AN Reis
Conceptual Modeling: 34th International Conference, ER 2015, Stockholm …, 2015
Applying a foundational ontology to analyze means-end links in the iframework
R Guizzardi, X Franch, G Guizzardi
2012 Sixth International Conference on research challenges in information …, 2012
A method for eliciting goals for business process models based on non-functional requirements catalogues
E Cardoso, JPA Almeida, RSS Guizzardi, G Guizzardi
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) 2 …, 2011
Towards an ontological account of agent-oriented goals
RSS Guizzardi, G Guizzardi, A Perini, J Mylopoulos
International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-agent …, 2006
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Articles 1–20