Helen Treharne
Cited by
Cited by
CSP theorems for communicating B machines
S Schneider, H Treharne
Formal Aspects of Computing 17 (4), 390-422, 2005
Using a process algebra to control B operations
H Treharne, S Schneider
IFM’99: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Integrated Formal …, 1999
Communicating B machines
S Schneider, H Treharne
ZB 2002: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B: 2nd International …, 2002
How to drive a B machine
H Treharne, S Schneider
ZB 2000: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B: First …, 2000
Techniques for modelling and verifying railway interlockings
P James, F Moller, HN Nguyen, M Roggenbach, S Schneider, H Treharne
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 16, 685-711, 2014
Privacy-enhanced capabilities for vanets using direct anonymous attestation
J Whitefield, L Chen, T Giannetsos, S Schneider, H Treharne
2017 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 123-130, 2017
The behavioural semantics of Event-B refinement
S Schneider, H Treharne, H Wehrheim
Formal aspects of computing 26, 251-280, 2014
A CSP approach to control in Event-B
S Schneider, H Treharne, H Wehrheim
Integrated Formal Methods: 8th International Conference, IFM 2010, Nancy …, 2010
Defining and model checking abstractions of complex railway models using CSP|| B
F Moller, HN Nguyen, M Roggenbach, S Schneider, H Treharne
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 8th International Haifa …, 2013
Formal verification of tokeneer behaviours modelled in fuml using csp
I Abdelhalim, J Sharp, S Schneider, H Treharne
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 12th International Conference on …, 2010
Formal Analysis and Implementation of a TPM 2.0-based Direct Anonymous Attestation Scheme
S Wesemeyer, C Newton, H Treharne, L Chen, R Sasse, J Whitefield
Asia CCS 2020, 2020
Formal analysis of v2x revocation protocols
J Whitefield, L Chen, F Kargl, A Paverd, S Schneider, H Treharne, ...
Security and Trust Management: 13th International Workshop, STM 2017, Oslo …, 2017
Verifying controlled components
S Schneider, H Treharne
International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, 87-107, 2004
A symbolic analysis of ecc-based direct anonymous attestation
J Whitefield, L Chen, R Sasse, S Schneider, H Treharne, S Wesemeyer
2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 127-141, 2019
Functional and performance analysis of network-on-chips using actor-based modeling and formal verification
Z Sharifi, M Mosaffa, S Mohammadi, M Sirjani
ECEASST 66, 1-16, 2013
Combining control executives and software specifications
HE Treharne
Royal Holloway, University of London, 2000
On modelling and verifying railway interlockings: Tracking train lengths
P James, HN Moller, Faron: Nguyen, M Roggenbach, S Schneider, ...
Science of Computer Programming 96 (3), 315-336, 2014
A novel multi-size block Benford’s law scheme for printer identification
W Jiang, ATS Ho, H Treharne, YQ Shi
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM 2010: 11th Pacific Rim …, 2010
A novel semi-fragile image watermarking, authentication and self-restoration technique using the slant transform
X Zhao, ATS Ho, H Treharne, V Pankajakshan, C Culnane, W Jiang
Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and …, 2007
Verification of Scheme Plans Using CSPB
P James, F Moller, HN Nguyen, M Roggenbach, S Schneider, H Treharne, ...
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 189-204, 2013
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Articles 1–20