Fabio Carrera
Cited by
Cited by
By the People, for the People: the Crowdsourcing of “StreetBump”, an Automatic Pothole Mapping App
F Carrera, S Guerin, J Thorp
ISPRS Archives, 19-23, 2013
The future of spatial data infrastructures: Capacity-building for the emergence of municipal SDIs
F Carrera, J Ferreira
International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research 2 (2), 54-73, 2007
City Knowledge: An emergent information infrastructure for sustainable urban maintenance, management and planning.
F Carrera, 2004
La nebbia a Venezia nel quarantennio 1951–1990
F Carrera, M Cerasuolo, A Tomasin, P Canestrelli
Analisi comparata degli andamenti di visibilità, pressione, temperatura e …, 1995
What Cultural Heritage do we preserve and why
F Carrera
Diss. Massachusetts, 1997
From plan-demanded data to plan-ready information: A rationale for comprehensive urban knowledge infrastructures
F Carrera, L Hoyt
Journal of Urban Technology 13 (2), 3-23, 2006
Il comportamento idrodinamico dei canali interni di Venezia
F Carrera
Venezia La Città Dei Rii, Venice, Italy: Cierre, 197-207, 1999
Wise Cities: 'Old' Big Data and 'Slow' Real Time
F Carrera
Built Environment 42 (3), 474-497, 2016
Street Performances, the Role of Visual Analysis in the Microzoning of Public Space in Venice, Italy
F Carrera, A Novello, A Gallo
Retrieved 8, 2008, 2006
Sand on fire: an interactive tangible 3D platform for the modeling and management of wildfires
S Guerin, F Carrera
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 137, 57-68, 2010
Making history: An emergent system for the systematic accrual of transcriptions of historic manuscripts
F Carrera
Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2005
City Knowledge as key to understanding the relation between waters and stones in Venice
F Carrera
Flooding and Environmental Challenges for Venice and its Lagoon: State of …, 2005
Il Traffico Acqueo nei Principali Rii di Venezia e Canali Laguari
F Carrera
Report to the Municipal and Provincial governments on the boat traffic …, 1999
I Rii e la Qualità della Vita a Venezia
F Carrera
Coses Informazioni, 1994
The Premises of City Knowledge: a middle-out approach toward sustainable municipal data management
F Carrera, A Hewitt
Proceedings of 25th Urban Data Management Symposium, 2006
The church floors in Venice, Italy: an archeological study and analysis
A Delaive, E Kristant, C Petrowski, L Santos, F Carrera, D DiBiasio, ...
Venice Project Center, 2002
Il Traffico Acqueo nella Laguna di Venezia
F Carrera
Report to the Provincial government on the summer weekend traffic campaign …, 1999
Il Traffico Acqueo nei Canali Interni di Venezia, report to UNESCO in the framework of theVenice Inner Canals project
F Carrera
July, 1996
L’evoluzione del sistema dei trasporti e del traffico acqueo
F Fiorin, F Carrera
Venezia la Città dei Rii, op. cit, 143-159, 1999
Geographical Information System per la Gestione dei Canali Interni di Venezia
F Carrera
Report on the UNESCO-Insula agreement (phase 1), 1999
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Articles 1–20