Michele Cafagna
Michele Cafagna
Phd Candidate - Marie Curie, Institute of Linguistics and Language Technology, University of Malta
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Cited by
VALSE: A task-independent benchmark for vision and language models centered on linguistic phenomena
L Parcalabescu, M Cafagna, L Muradjan, A Frank, I Calixto, A Gatt
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.07566, 2021
Geppetto carves italian into a language model
L De Mattei, M Cafagna, F Dell'Orletta, M Nissim, M Guerini
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.14253, 2020
Norm It!: Lexical Normalization for Italian and Its Downstream Effects for Dependency Parsing
R Van Der Goot, A Ramponi, T Caselli, M Cafagna, L De Mattei
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2020
What Vision-Language ModelsSee'when they See Scenes
M Cafagna, K van Deemter, A Gatt
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.07301, 2021
Invisible to people but not to machines: Evaluation of style-aware HeadlineGeneration in absence of reliable human judgment
L De Mattei, M Cafagna, F Dell’Orletta, M Nissim
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2020
Change-it@ evalita 2020: Change headlines, adapt news, generate
L De Mattei, M Cafagana, F Dell’Orletta, M Nissim, A Gatt
Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian, 2020
Embeddings Shifts as Proxies for Different Word Use in Italian Newspapers.
M Cafagna, L De Mattei, M Nissim
CLiC-it, 2019
ViLMA: A Zero-Shot Benchmark for Linguistic and Temporal Grounding in Video-Language Models
I Kesen, A Pedrotti, M Dogan, M Cafagna, EC Acikgoz, L Parcalabescu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07022, 2023
Interpreting vision and language generative models with semantic visual priors
M Cafagna, LM Rojas-Barahona, K van Deemter, A Gatt
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 6, 1220476, 2023
HL dataset: visually-grounded description of scenes, actions and rationales
M Cafagna, K van Deemter, A Gatt
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.12189, 2023
On the interaction of automatic evaluation and task framing in headline style transfer
L De Mattei, M Cafagna, H Lai, F Dell'Orletta, M Nissim, A Gatt
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.01634, 2021
Suitable Doesn't Mean Attractive. Human-Based Evaluation of Automatically Generated Headlines.
M Cafagna, L De Mattei, D Bacciu, M Nissim
CLiC-it, 2019
Understanding cross-modal interactions in V&L models that generate scene descriptions
M Cafagna, K van Deemter, A Gatt
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.04971, 2022
TextFocus: Assessing the Faithfulness of Feature Attribution Methods Explanations in Natural Language Processing
E Mariotti, A Arias-Duart, M Cafagna, A Gatt, D Garcia-Gasulla, ...
IEEE Access, 2024
HL Dataset: Grounding High-Level Linguistic Concepts in Vision
M Cafagna, K van Deemter, A Gatt
Proceedings of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference …, 2023
Training procedure and system for artificial intelligence intended for the analysis of mammographic data for the identification or exclusion of the presence of breast cancer
C Aliprandi, M Cafagna, L De Mattei, A Tesei
US Patent App. 17/582,180, 2022
Embeddings-based detection of word use variation in italian newspapers
M Cafagna, L De Mattei, M Nissim
IJCoL. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics 6 (6-2), 9-22, 2020
Visually grounded language generation: data, models and explanations beyond descriptive captions
M Cafagna
University of Malta, 2024
Headline Generation and Analysis of Writing Styles in Journalism
Emerging Topics at the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics
R Basili, S Montemagni
IJCoL. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics 4 (4-1), 7-10, 2018
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Articles 1–20