Paloma Moreda
Paloma Moreda
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене dlsi.ua.es
Fighting post-truth using natural language processing: A review and open challenges
E Saquete, D Tomás, P Moreda, P Martínez-Barco, M Palomar
Expert systems with applications 141, 112943, 2020
Combining semantic information in question answering systems
P Moreda, H Llorens, E Saquete, M Palomar
Information Processing & Management 47 (6), 870-885, 2011
La influencia de las redes sociales en el aprendizaje colaborativo
I Garrigós, JN Mazón, E Saquete, M Puchol, P Moreda
XVI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, 531-534, 2010
Corpus-based semantic role approach in information retrieval
P Moreda, B Navarro, M Palomar
Data & Knowledge Engineering 61 (3), 467-483, 2007
Drugsemantics: a corpus for named entity recognition in spanish summaries of product characteristics
I Moreno, E Boldrini, P Moreda, MT Romá-Ferri
Journal of biomedical informatics 72, 8-22, 2017
Towards facilitating the accessibility of web 2.0 texts through text normalisation
A Mosquera, E Lloret, P Moreda
Proceedings of the LREC workshop: Natural Language Processing for Improving …, 2012
A qualitative analysis of informality levels in web 2.0 texts: The facebook case study
A Mosquera, P Moreda
Proceedings of the LREC workshop:@ NLP can u tag# user generated content, 23-29, 2012
Text summarization contribution to semantic question answering: New approaches for finding answers on the web
E Lloret, H Llorens, P Moreda, E Saquete, M Palomar
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 26 (12), 1125-1152, 2011
Smile: An informality classification tool for helping to assess quality and credibility in web 2.0 texts
A Mosquera, P Moreda
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 6 …, 2012
The influence of Semantic Roles in QA: A comparative analysis
P Moreda, H Llorens, E Saquete, M Palomar
Procesamiento del lenguaje Natural 41, 2008
Automatic generalization of a QA answer extraction module based on semantic roles
P Moreda, H Llorens, E Saquete, M Palomar
Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 233-242, 2008
Proyecto FIRST (Flexible Interactive Reading Support Tool): Desarrollo de una herramienta para ayudar a personas con autismo mediante la simplificación de textos
MTM Valdivia, EM Cámara, E Barbu, LAU López, P Moreda, E Lloret
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 53, 143-146, 2014
The use of metrics for measuring informality levels in web 2.0 texts
A Mosquera, PM Pozo
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language …, 2011
MaNER: a MedicAl named entity recogniser
I Moreno, P Moreda, MT Romá-Ferri
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 20th International …, 2015
DLSI-Volvam at RepLab 2013: Polarity classification on twitter data
A Mosquera, J Fernández, JM Gómez, P Martinez-Barco, P Moreda
Bases de Datos 1
E Gomez Ballester, P Martínez Barco, P Moreda Pozo, A Suárez Cueto, ...
Alicante: Escuela Politécnica Superior, Univerdidad de Alicante, 2007
Los roles semánticos en la tecnología del lenguaje humano: anotación y aplicación
P Moreda
Universidad de Alicante, 2008
The role of verb sense disambiguation in semantic role labeling
P Moreda, M Palomar
International Conference on Natural Language Processing (in Finland), 684-695, 2006
Adapting IBQAS to work with Text Transciptions in QAst Task: IBQAst.
M Pardiño, JM Gómez, H Llorens, R Muñoz-Terol, B Navarro-Colorado, ...
CLEF (Working Notes), 2008
Anotación de roles semánticos en el corpus 3LB
B Navarro, P Moreda, B Fernández, R Marcos, M Palomar
Universidades del País Vasco, de Barcelona, Politécnica de Cataluña …, 2004
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