Tian Hou
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Cited by
Estimating network fundamental diagram using three-dimensional vehicle trajectories: extending edie's definitions of traffic flow variables to networks
M Saberi, HS Mahmassani, T Hou, A Zockaie
Transportation Research Record 2422 (1), 12-20, 2014
Connecting networkwide travel time reliability and the network fundamental diagram of traffic flow
HS Mahmassani, T Hou, M Saberi
Transportation research record 2391 (1), 80-91, 2013
Calibration of traffic flow models under adverse weather and application in mesoscopic network simulation
T Hou, HS Mahmassani, RM Alfelor, J Kim, M Saberi
Transportation research record 2391 (1), 92-104, 2013
Characterizing travel time variability in vehicular traffic networks: deriving a robust relation for reliability analysis
HS Mahmassani, T Hou, J Dong
Transportation research record 2315 (1), 141-152, 2012
Implementation and evaluation of weather-responsive traffic management strategies: insight from different networks
J Kim, HS Mahmassani, R Alfelor, Y Chen, T Hou, L Jiang, M Saberi, ...
Transportation research record 2396 (1), 93-106, 2013
Incorporating reliability performance measures into operations and planning modeling tools
HS Mahmassani, J Kim, Y Chen, Y Stogios, A Brijmohan, P Vovsha
Transportation Research Board, 2014
Implementation and evaluation of weather responsive traffic estimation and prediction system
HS Mahmassani, J Kim, T Hou, A Zockaie, M Saberi, L Jiang, Ö Verbas, ...
United States. Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012
Activity-based model with dynamic traffic assignment and consideration of heterogeneous user preferences and reliability valuation: application to toll revenue forecasting in …
A Zockaie, M Saberi, HS Mahmassani, L Jiang, A Frei, T Hou
Transportation Research Record 2493 (1), 78-87, 2015
Online implementation and evaluation of weather-responsive coordinated signal timing operations
Y Chen, HS Mahmassani, Z Hong, T Hou, J Kim, H Halat, RM Alfelor
Transportation research record 2488 (1), 71-86, 2015
Towards Integrating an Activity-Based Model with Dynamic Traffic Assignment Considering Heterogeneous User Preferences and Reliability Valuation: Application to Toll Revenue …
A Zockaie, M Saberi, HS Mahmassani, L Jiang, A Frei, T Hou
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2015
Development of real-time simulation-based decision support system for weather responsive traffic signal operations
J Kim, HS Mahmassani, T Hou, RM Alfelor
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2014
Use of mobile data for weather-responsive traffic management models.
H Mahmassani, R Mudge, T Hou, J Kim
United States. Dept. of Transportation, 2012
Implementation of a weather responsive traffic estimation and prediction system (TrEPS) for signal timing at Utah DOT.
HS Mahmassani, T Hou, J Kim, Y Chen, Z Hong, H Halat, R Haas
United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation …, 2014
Y. 8 Chen, and R. Haas. Implementation and Evaluation of Weather Responsive Traffic Estimation 9 and Prediction System. Final Report, Publication No
HS Mahmassani, J Kim, T Hou, A Zockaie, M Saberi, L Jiang, O Verbas, ...
FHWA-JPO-12-055, FHWA, US 10 Department of Transportation, 2012. 11, 0
The Influence of Stop Time on Arterial Travel Time Variability
T Hou, HS Mahmassani
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2014
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Articles 1–15