Victor Slavin
Victor Slavin
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене ilt.kharkov.ua
Area law scaling for the entropy of disordered quasifree fermions
L Pastur, V Slavin
Physical Review Letters 113 (15), 150404, 2014
Ground state of a two-dimensional lattice system with a long-range interparticle repulsion: Stripe formation and effective lowering of dimension
AA Slutskin, VV Slavin, HA Kovtun
Physical Review B 61 (20), 14184, 2000
Thermodynamics of a one-dimensional lattice system with long-range interelectron repulsion
VV Slavin, AA Slutskin
Physical Review B 54 (11), 8095, 1996
On random matrices arising in deep neural networks: General iid case
L Pastur, V Slavin
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 12 (01), 2250046, 2023
Low‐temperature thermodynamic properties of one‐dimensional disordered electron lattice system
V Slavin
physica status solidi (b) 241 (13), 2928-2937, 2004
Monte Carlo simulation of anisotropic Shastry–Sutherland lattice in the framework of classical Heisenberg model multiferroic
VV Slavin, AA Krivchikov
Low Temperature Physics 37 (12), 1006-1009, 2011
Temperature behavior of the fundamental optical absorption band in quasi-two-dimensional crystalline MnPS3
VG Piryatinskaya, IS Kachur, VV Slavin, AV Yeremenko, YM Vysochanskii
Low Temperature Physics 38 (9), 870-873, 2012
Deductive molecular mechanics of four-coordinated carbon allotropes
IV Popov, VV Slavin, AL Tchougréeff, R Dronskowski
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (33), 18138-18148, 2019
Exciton migration in quasi-one-dimensional crystals: Antiferromagnetic O
VV Eremenko, VA Karachevtsev, AR Kazachkov, VV Shapiro, VV Slavin
Physical Review B 49 (17), 11799, 1994
The absence of the selfaveraging property of the entanglement entropy of disordered free fermions in one dimension
L Pastur, V Slavin
Journal of Statistical Physics 170, 207-220, 2018
Ground state of one-dimension repulsing particles on disordered lattice
LA Pastur, VV Slavin, AA Krivchikov
International Journal of Modern Physics C 25 (08), 1450028, 2014
Monte Carlo simulation of a two-dimensional electron gas on a disordered host lattice
VV Slavin
Low Temperature Physics 36 (3), 243-249, 2010
Spin nematic ordering in the spin-1 chain system
AA Zvyagin, VV Slavin
Physical Review B 106 (5), 054429, 2022
Thermodynamics of a one-dimensional generalized Wigner crystal
VV Slavin
Low Temperature Physics 29 (8), 674-678, 2003
Magnetic Properties of Quasi-One-Dimensional Crystals Formed by Graphene Nanoclusters and Embedded Atoms of the Transition Metals
VO Cheranovskii, VV Slavin, EV Ezerskaya, AL Tchougréeff, ...
Crystals 9 (5), 251, 2019
The gapless energy spectrum and spin-Peierls instability of 1D Heisenberg spin systems in polymeric complexes of transition metals and hypothetical carbon allotropes
VO Cheranovskii, VV Slavin, AL Tchougreeff, R Dronskowski
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (31), 305601-305606, 2019
Inverse problems in the theory of small oscillations
V Marchenko, V Slavin
American Mathematical Soc., 2018
Quantum‐phase transitions in 1D Heisenberg spin systems
VO Cheranovskii, VV Slavin, DJ Klein
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 121 (5), e26498, 2021
The influence of spin-wave spectrum structure of antiferromagnetic crystals on thermal broadening of exciton absorption bands. Vliyanie struktury spin-volnovogo spektra …
AV Eremenko, IS Kachur, VG Piryatinskaya, VV Slavin
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur;(Ukrainian SSR) 18 (4), 1992
Absorption and luminescence of CsMnCl3· 2H2O crystals doped with Cu2+
VV Eremenko, VA Karachevtsev, IS Kachur, NY Nedbailo, ...
Journal of luminescence 92 (1-2), 35-42, 2000
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