Subset selection by Pareto optimization C Qian, Y Yu, ZH Zhou
Advances in neural information processing systems 28, 2015
203 2015 Evolutionary learning: Advances in theories and algorithms ZH Zhou, Y Yu, C Qian
Springer Singapore, 2019
168 2019 Pareto ensemble pruning C Qian, Y Yu, ZH Zhou
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 29 (1), 2015
128 2015 An analysis on recombination in multi-objective evolutionary optimization C Qian, Y Yu, ZH Zhou
Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2011
123 2011 Subset selection under noise C Qian, JC Shi, Y Yu, K Tang, ZH Zhou
Advances in neural information processing systems 30, 2017
86 2017 Optimization based Layer-wise Magnitude-based Pruning for DNN Compression. G Li, C Qian, C Jiang, X Lu, K Tang
IJCAI 330, 2383-2389, 2018
84 2018 On the effectiveness of sampling for evolutionary optimization in noisy environments C Qian, Y Yu, K Tang, Y Jin, X Yao, ZH Zhou
Evolutionary computation 26 (2), 237-267, 2018
77 * 2018 On Subset Selection with General Cost Constraints. C Qian, JC Shi, Y Yu, K Tang
IJCAI 17, 2613-2619, 2017
75 2017 Constrained Monotone -Submodular Function Maximization Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms With Theoretical Guarantee C Qian, JC Shi, K Tang, ZH Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 22 (4), 595-608, 2017
68 2017 Efficient DNN Neuron Pruning by Minimizing Layer-wise Nonlinear Reconstruction Error. C Jiang, G Li, C Qian, K Tang
IJCAI 2018, 2-2, 2018
57 2018 Analyzing evolutionary optimization in noisy environments C Qian, Y Yu, ZH Zhou
Evolutionary computation 26 (1), 1-41, 2018
57 2018 Parallel Pareto Optimization for Subset Selection. C Qian, JC Shi, Y Yu, K Tang, ZH Zhou
IJCAI, 1939-1945, 2016
56 2016 Maximizing submodular or monotone approximately submodular functions by multi-objective evolutionary algorithms C Qian, Y Yu, K Tang, X Yao, ZH Zhou
Artificial Intelligence 275, 279-294, 2019
55 2019 Better running time of the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) by using stochastic tournament selection C Bian, C Qian
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 428-441, 2022
54 * 2022 Selection hyper-heuristics can provably be helpful in evolutionary multi-objective optimization C Qian, K Tang, ZH Zhou
International conference on parallel problem solving from nature, 835-846, 2016
54 2016 Distributed Pareto optimization for large-scale noisy subset selection C Qian
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 24 (4), 694-707, 2019
46 2019 On constrained boolean pareto optimization C Qian, Y Yu, ZH Zhou
Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
44 2015 Switch analysis for running time analysis of evolutionary algorithms Y Yu, C Qian, ZH Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 19 (6), 777-792, 2014
43 2014 An efficient evolutionary algorithm for subset selection with general cost constraints C Bian, C Feng, C Qian, Y Yu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 3267-3274, 2020
41 2020 A General Approach to Running Time Analysis of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms. C Bian, C Qian, K Tang
IJCAI, 1405-1411, 2018
38 2018