Stephanie Moller
Stephanie Moller
Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, University of North Carolina at
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Distribution and redistribution in postindustrial democracies
D Bradley, E Huber, S Moller, F Nielsen, JD Stephens
World politics 55 (2), 193-228, 2003
Race and gender differences in how sense of belonging influences decisions to major in STEM
K Rainey, M Dancy, R Mickelson, E Stearns, S Moller
International journal of STEM education 5, 1-14, 2018
Wealth inequality in the United States
LA Keister, S Moller
Annual Review of Sociology 26 (1), 63-81, 2000
Determinants of relative poverty in advanced capitalist democracies
S Moller, D Bradley, E Huber, F Nielsen, JD Stephens
American sociological review 68 (1), 22-51, 2003
Teacher job satisfaction and student achievement: The roles of teacher professional community and teacher collaboration in schools
N Banerjee, E Stearns, S Moller, RA Mickelson
American Journal of Education 123 (2), 000-000, 2017
Staying back and dropping out: The relationship between grade retention and school dropout
E Stearns, S Moller, J Blau, S Potochnick
Sociology of Education 80 (3), 210-240, 2007
Work—family policies and poverty for partnered and single women in Europe and North America
J Misra, S Moller, MJ Budig
Gender & Society 21 (6), 804-827, 2007
Growing the roots of STEM majors: Female math and science high school faculty and the participation of students in STEM
MC Bottia, E Stearns, RA Mickelson, S Moller, L Valentino
Economics of Education Review 45, 14-27, 2015
Reconciliation policies and the effects of motherhood on employment, earnings and poverty
J Misra, MJ Budig, S Moller
Policy Sectors in Comparative Policy Analysis Studies, 204-224, 2020
Changing patterns of income inequality in US counties, 1970–2000
S Moller, AS Alderson, F Nielsen
American journal of Sociology 114 (4), 1037-1101, 2009
The relationships among high school STEM learning experiences and students’ intent to declare and declaration of a STEM major in college
MC Bottia, E Stearns, RA Mickelson, S Moller, AD Parler
Teachers College Record 117 (3), 1-46, 2015
Envisioning dependency: Changing media depictions of welfare in the 20th century
J Misra, S Moller, M Karides
Social Problems 50 (4), 482-504, 2003
Collective pedagogical teacher culture and mathematics achievement: Differences by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status
S Moller, RA Mickelson, E Stearns, N Banerjee, MC Bottia
Sociology of Education 86 (2), 174-194, 2013
Family policies, employment and poverty among partnered and single mothers
J Misra, S Moller, E Strader, E Wemlinger
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 30 (1), 113-128, 2012
A descriptive study of race and gender differences in how instructional style and perceived professor care influence decisions to major in STEM
K Rainey, M Dancy, R Mickelson, E Stearns, S Moller
International Journal of STEM Education 6 (1), 1-13, 2019
The politics of women's economic independence
E Huber, JD Stephens, D Bradley, S Moller, F Nielsen
Social Politics 16 (1), 1-39, 2009
Demographic characteristics of high school math and science teachers and girls’ success in STEM
E Stearns, MC Bottía, E Davalos, RA Mickelson, S Moller, L Valentino
Social Problems 63 (1), 87-110, 2016
Boosting the numbers of STEM majors? The role of high schools with a STEM program
MC Bottia, E Stearns, RA Mickelson, S Moller
Science Education 102 (1), 85-107, 2018
Collective pedagogical teacher culture, teacher–student ethno-racial mismatch, and teacher job satisfaction
E Stearns, N Banerjee, R Mickelson, S Moller
Social science research 45, 56-72, 2014
Expensive childcare and short school days= lower maternal employment and more time in childcare? Evidence from the American time use survey
L Ruppanner, S Moller, L Sayer
Socius 5, 2378023119860277, 2019
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Articles 1–20