Dr. Bahram Asiabanpour
Dr. Bahram Asiabanpour
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Analyzing the tensile, compressive, and flexural properties of 3D printed ABS P430 plastic based on printing orientation using fused deposition modeling
R Hernandez, D Slaughter, D Whaley, J Tate, B Asiabanpour
University of Texas at Austin, 2016
SIS–a new SFF method based on powder sintering
B Khoshnevis, B Asiabanpour, M Mojdeh, K Palmer
Rapid Prototyping Journal 9 (1), 30-36, 2003
An experimental study of surface quality and dimensional accuracy for selective inhibition of sintering
B Asiabanpour, K Palmer, B Khoshnevis
Rapid Prototyping Journal 10 (3), 181-192, 2004
A new adaptive slicing approach for the fully dense freeform fabrication (FDFF) process
MT Hayasi, B Asiabanpour
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 24, 683-694, 2013
Machine path generation for the SIS process
B Asiabanpour, B Khoshnevis
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 20 (3), 167-175, 2004
The influence of smart manufacturing towards energy conservation: a review
S Terry, H Lu, I Fidan, Y Zhang, K Tantawi, T Guo, B Asiabanpour
Technologies 8 (2), 31, 2020
Extraction of manufacturing information from design-by-feature solid model through feature recognition
MT Hayasi, B Asiabanpour
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 44, 1191-1203, 2009
Fixed versus sun tracking solar panels: an economic analysis
B Asiabanpour, Z Almusaied, S Aslan, M Mitchell, E Leake, H Lee, ...
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 19, 1195-1203, 2017
Optimising the automated plasma cutting process by design of experiments
B Asiabanpour, DT Vejandla, J Jimenez, C Novoa
International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing 1 (1), 19-40, 2009
Advancements in the SIS process
B Asiabanpour, B Khoshnevis, K Palmer, M Mojdeh
Advancements in the selective inhibition sintering process development
B Asiabanpour, B Khoshnevis, K Palmer
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 1 (1), 43-52, 2006
Machine path generation using direct slicing from design-by-feature solid model for rapid prototyping
MT Hayasi, B Asiabanpour
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 45, 170-180, 2009
A web-based framework for semantic supplier discovery for discrete part manufacturing
F Ameri, C McArthur, B Asiabanpour, M Hayasi
SME/NAMRC 39, 2011
Case Study of Manor New Tech High School: Promising Practices in STEM Education for Comprehensive High Schools.
H Gourgey, B Asiabanpour, C Fenimore
American Journal of Engineering Education 1 (1), 47-64, 2010
A novel engineering outreach to high school education
W Stapleton, B Asiabanpour, H Stern, H Gourgey
2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 1-4, 2009
Is atmospheric water generation an economically viable solution?
F Moghimi, H Ghoddusi, B Asiabanpour, M Behroozikhah
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 1-18, 2021
Optimizing natural light distribution for indoor plant growth using PMMA optical fiber: simulation and empirical study
B Asiabanpour, A Estrada, R Ramirez, MS Downey
Journal of Renewable Energy 2018 (1), 9429867, 2018
An experimental study of factors affecting the selective inhibition of sintering process.
B Asiabanpour
A new memory efficient tool path generation method for applying very large STL files in vector-by-vector rapid prototyping processes
B Asiabanpour, B Khoshnevis
Computer and Industrial Engineering, San Francisco, CA, 2003
Performance factors in the selective inhibition of sintering process
B Asiabanpour, K Palmer, B Khoshnevis
Institute of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Portland, OR, 2003
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Articles 1–20