Guillaume Malpuech
Guillaume Malpuech
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A Kavokin, JJ Baumberg, G Malpuech, FP Laussy
Oxford university press, 2017
Spontaneous formation and optical manipulation of extended polariton condensates
E Wertz, L Ferrier, DD Solnyshkov, R Johne, D Sanvitto, A Lemaître, ...
Nature physics 6 (11), 860-864, 2010
Direct observation of Dirac cones and a flatband in a honeycomb lattice for polaritons
T Jacqmin, I Carusotto, I Sagnes, M Abbarchi, DD Solnyshkov, ...
Physical review letters 112 (11), 116402, 2014
Exciton–polaritons in van der Waals heterostructures embedded in tunable microcavities
S Dufferwiel, S Schwarz, F Withers, AAP Trichet, F Li, M Sich, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8579, 2015
Cavity polaritons
A Kavokin, G Malpuech
Elsevier, 2003
Optical spin Hall effect
A Kavokin, G Malpuech, M Glazov
Physical review letters 95 (13), 136601, 2005
ZnO as a material mostly adapted for the realization of room-temperature polariton lasers
M Zamfirescu, A Kavokin, B Gil, G Malpuech, M Kaliteevski
Physical Review B 65 (16), 161205, 2002
Observation of the optical spin Hall effect
C Leyder, M Romanelli, JP Karr, E Giacobino, TCH Liew, MM Glazov, ...
Nature Physics 3 (9), 628-631, 2007
Lossless interface modes at the boundary between two periodic dielectric structures
AV Kavokin, IA Shelykh, G Malpuech
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (23), 233102, 2005
Macroscopic quantum self-trapping and Josephson oscillations of exciton polaritons
M Abbarchi, A Amo, VG Sala, DD Solnyshkov, H Flayac, L Ferrier, ...
Nature Physics 9 (5), 275-279, 2013
Polariton Topological Insulator
AV Nalitov, DD Solnyshkov, G Malpuech
Physical review letters 114 (11), 116401, 2015
Spontaneous polarization buildup in a room-temperature polariton laser
JJ Baumberg, AV Kavokin, S Christopoulos, AJD Grundy, R Butté, ...
Physical Review Letters 101 (13), 136409, 2008
Polariton polarization-sensitive phenomena in planar semiconductor microcavities
IA Shelykh, AV Kavokin, YG Rubo, TCH Liew, G Malpuech
Semiconductor Science and Technology 25 (1), 013001, 2009
Spin-orbit coupling for photons and polaritons in microstructures
VG Sala, DD Solnyshkov, I Carusotto, T Jacqmin, A Lemaître, H Terças, ...
Physical Review X 5 (1), 011034, 2015
Polarization multistability of cavity polaritons
NA Gippius, IA Shelykh, DD Solnyshkov, SS Gavrilov, YG Rubo, ...
Physical review letters 98 (23), 236401, 2007
Room-temperature polariton lasers based on GaN microcavities
G Malpuech, A Di Carlo, A Kavokin, JJ Baumberg, M Zamfirescu, P Lugli
Applied physics letters 81 (3), 412-414, 2002
Formation of an exciton polariton condensate: thermodynamic versus kinetic regimes
J Kasprzak, DD Solnyshkov, R André, LS Dang, G Malpuech
Physical review letters 101 (14), 146404, 2008
Polariton-polariton interaction constants in microcavities
M Vladimirova, S Cronenberger, D Scalbert, KV Kavokin, A Miard, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (7), 075301, 2010
From excitonic to photonic polariton condensate in a ZnO-based microcavity
F Li, L Orosz, O Kamoun, S Bouchoule, C Brimont, P Disseix, T Guillet, ...
Physical review letters 110 (19), 196406, 2013
Polariton lasing by exciton-electron scattering in semiconductor microcavities
G Malpuech, A Kavokin, A Di Carlo, JJ Baumberg
Physical Review B 65 (15), 153310, 2002
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Articles 1–20