Simon D. Hammond
Simon D. Hammond
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Optical interconnects for extreme scale computing systems
S Rumley, M Bahadori, R Polster, SD Hammond, DM Calhoun, K Wen, ...
Parallel Computing 64, 65-80, 2017
Performance analysis of a hybrid MPI/CUDA implementation of the NASLU benchmark
SJ Pennycook, SD Hammond, SA Jarvis, GR Mudalige
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 38 (4), 23-29, 2011
An investigation of the performance portability of OpenCL
SJ Pennycook, SD Hammond, SA Wright, JA Herdman, I Miller, SA Jarvis
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 73 (11), 1439-1450, 2013
Fast linear algebra-based triangle counting with kokkoskernels
MM Wolf, M Deveci, JW Berry, SD Hammond, S Rajamanickam
2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-7, 2017
WARPP: a toolkit for simulating high-performance parallel scientific codes
SD Hammond, GR Mudalige, JA Smith, SA Jarvis, JA Herdman, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation Tools and …, 2009
Abstract Machine Models and Proxy Architectures for Exascale Computing
JA Ang, RF Barrett, RE Benner, D Burke, C Chan, D Donofrio, ...
DOE Computer Architecture Laboratory, 2014
memkind: An Extensible Heap Memory Manager for Heterogeneous Memory Platforms and Mixed Memory Policies.
C Cantalupo, V Venkatesan, J Hammond, K Czurlyo, SD Hammond
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2015
Exascale design space exploration and co-design
SS Dosanjh, RF Barrett, DW Doerfler, SD Hammond, KS Hemmert, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 30, 46-58, 2014
On the role of co-design in high performance computing
RF Barrett, S Borkar, SS Dosanjh, SD Hammond, MA Heroux, XS Hu, ...
Transition of HPC Towards Exascale Computing, 141-155, 2013
Designing vector-friendly compact BLAS and LAPACK kernels
K Kim, TB Costa, M Deveci, AM Bradley, SD Hammond, ME Guney, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2017
ASC ATDM Level 2 Milestone# 5325: Asynchronous Many-Task Runtime System Analysis and Assessment for Next Generation Platforms.
GM Baker, MT Bettencourt, SW Bova, K Franko, M Gamell, R Grant, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); Sandia National …, 2015
Assessing the role of mini-applications in predicting key performance characteristics of scientific and engineering applications
RF Barrett, PS Crozier, DW Doerfler, MA Heroux, PT Lin, HK Thornquist, ...
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 75, 107-122, 2015
Parallel file system analysis through application I/O tracing
SA Wright, SD Hammond, SJ Pennycook, RF Bird, JA Herdman, I Miller, ...
The Computer Journal, 2012
Parallel implementation, validation, and performance of MM5
J Michalakes, T Canfield, R Nanjundiah, S Hammond, G Grell
Argonne National Lab.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States), 1994
Automatic generation of warp-level primitives and atomic instructions for fast and portable parallel reduction on GPUs
SG De Gonzalo, S Huang, J Gómez-Luna, S Hammond, O Mutlu, W Hwu
2019 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization …, 2019
Navigating an evolutionary fast path to exascale
RF Barrett, SD Hammond, CT Vaughan, DW Doerfler, MA Heroux, ...
2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and …, 2012
SNAP: Strong Scaling High Fidelity Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Leadership-Class Computing Platforms
CR Trott, SD Hammond, AP Thompson
International Supercomputing Conference 2014 (ISC14), 2014
Scalable generation of graphs for benchmarking HPC community-detection algorithms
GM Slota, JW Berry, SD Hammond, SL Olivier, CA Phillips, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2019
An evaluation of MPI message rate on hybrid-core processors
BW Barrett, R Brightwell, R Grant, SD Hammond, KS Hemmert
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 28 (4 …, 2014
Research methods in psychology
M Glynis, S Hammond, J Smith
London: Sage Publications, 2006
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Articles 1–20