Dmitry Hvaley
Dmitry Hvaley
Балтийский Федеральный Университет им. И. Канта
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Impact of cross-border tourism on the sustainable development of rural areas in the Russian–Polish and Russian–Kazakh borderlands
AA Mikhaylova, JA Wendt, DV Hvaley, A Bógdał-Brzezińska, ...
Sustainability 14 (4), 2409, 2022
Knowledge Hubs of Russia: Bibliometric Mapping of Research Activity.
AS Mikhaylov, AA Mikhaylova, D Hvaley
J. Sci. Res. 9 (1), 1-10, 2020
Receptiveness to innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic: asymmetries in the adoption of digital routines
AA Mikhaylova, AS Mikhaylov, DV Hvaley
Regional Studies, Regional Science 8 (1), 311-327, 2021
Innovative development of Russian coastal regions: North–south divergence
AS Mikhaylov, VV Gorochnaya, DV Hvaley, IS Gumenyuk
Baltic region 12 (3), 105-126, 2020
Coastal countryside innovation dynamics in north-western Russia
AS Mikhaylov, AA Mikhaylova, SS Lachininskii, DV Hvaley
European Countryside 11 (4), 541-562, 2019
Knowledge geography for measuring the divergence in intellectual capital of Russia
AS Mikhaylov, AA Mikhaylova, VK Singh, DV Hvaley
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 18 (2), pp121‑135-pp121‑135, 2020
Geoinformation assessment of digitalization in the urban space of Kaliningrad
A Mikhaylova, D Hvaley, A Mikhaylov
Regional Studies, Regional Science 9 (1), 386-389, 2022
Geospatial modeling of the distribution of tourist attractions for the functional delimitation of coastal zones
AA Mikhaylova, VN Bocharnikov, EE Giricheva, DV Hvaley, AS Mikhaylov
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 50 (4), 1494-1505, 2023
Geography of the mobile internet in the border and interior regions of russia
AA Mikhaylova, DV Hvaley
Baltic Region 15 (3), 140-166, 2023
“Digital traces” as an indication of the population’s interest in the border regions of Russia for cross-border contacts
AA Mikhaylova, DV Hvaley, AS Mikhaylov
Polis. Political Studies 3 (3), 157-175, 2022
Remote sensing technology in mapping socio-economic divergence of Europe
A Mikhailov, A Mikhaylova, K Alsynbaev, V Bryksin, D Hvaley
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 69-84, 2021
Digital space of the city: factors of heterogeneity
A Mikhaylova, A Mikhaylov, D Hvaley
Pskov Journal of Regional Studies, 115-131, 2022
Geography of research networks in the Big South of Russia
АS Mikhaylov, AA Mikhaylova, DV Hvaley
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriya geograficheskaya 88 (2), 119-134, 2024
Geography of Research Networks in the South of Russia
AS Mikhaylov, AA Mikhaylova, DV Hvaley
Regional Research of Russia 14 (3), 398-409, 2024
Coastal regions in the geography of innovation activity: a comparative assessment of marine basins
A Mikhaylov, A Mikhaylova, D Maksimenko, M Maksimenko, D Hvaley
Geographica Pannonica 26 (4), 2022
Dichotomy in the distribution of maritime activity between marine sub-regions of Europe.
A Mikhaylov, A Mikhaylova, D Hvaley
GeoJournal of Tourism & Geosites 44 (4), 2022
Geoinformation representation of maritime knowledge flows: new frontiers of coastalization
A Mikhaylova, D Maksimenko, D Hvaley, M Maksimenko, A Mikhaylov
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1087 (1), 012038, 2022
Three-Dimensional Assessment of the Knowledge Production System: Region-City-Organization
AS Mikhaylov, AA Mikhaylova, DV Hvaley
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 19 (2), pp118-132, 2021
Industry clusters at the European borderland of Russia: the dynamics of formation in the 2000s
A Mikhaylov, A Mikhaylova, D Hvaley
Pskov Journal of Regional Studies, 3-20, 2021
The Hybrid Innovation System Principles for Resilient Innovative Growth
AA Mikhaylova, DV Hvaley
Innovations and Traditions for Sustainable Development, 3-21, 2021
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Articles 1–20